CR opens soon for summer salmon "June hogs"

Swamp Puppy
While i know that the true June hogs are all but gone, the summer season is opening here soon...and it is a fair bit longer than the 2 week season i was hearing rumors about.

looks like June 16th to July 31st in my neck of the woods... niiiiiice.
yeah...and we get to roll right into the fall season without skipping a beat on Aug 1st.
Tell me more like were and how to fish for these guys and i am there.
Thuggin' - this past issue of WA/OR Game and Fish magazine had a pretty good article on fishing for the summer runs. It's not all that different from fishing for fall fish.

anchoring up and back bouncing a spinner is a pretty common practice. smaller spinners than you would expect, and copper blades with red beads are a good bet.

look deep along the shipping channels when the water is slower moving, but move up shallower (25ft or so) and find a ledge the fish can run along when the current is running out harder.

the fish stay moving and can be a bit hard to locate..literally the width of your boat could be the difference between slammin fish and sitting around doing nothing. so if nothing is going on after a bit..pick up move a bit and try again.

good luck man! let me know if you end up this way one of these days.
thanks. no fish finder so had to find these spots and not set up to anchor in the big river. was hoping i could launch at st. johns and motor to the columbia and do some trolling. anyone troll herring for these fish? and i will let you know for sure think i might cancel the diamond trip to make it up there.
id try prawns or brads superbaits for them more than herring but you can troll for the hogs... just not as common..
a good place to fish is at the shad rack. When I have 4 people on my boat I have 4 rods out for salmon.
then my rod witch is the extra rod out for shad.
good luck.
Swamp Puppy said:
While i know that the true June hogs are all but gone, the summer season is opening here soon...and it is a fair bit longer than the 2 week season i was hearing rumors about.

looks like June Th to July ST in my neck of the woods... Nice.
Well appearances are deceiving. Once again the good old boys with those long nets get to cream the run:protest: Statistical the bulk of the summer Chinook run is over Bonneville by the RD week in June. My buddies with the nets get the 17-Th and 18Th- 20th tru the 22ND. Kinda a kick in the kahunas to put them in before the free fishing weekend. I guess they are worried that the kids will catch ALL their fish. Then what would the stores sell??????????????:roll eyes::shock:Lets see probably Alaskan sockeye or maybe copper river kings. The same thing they sell every summer because damn few people can afford $19-22 a pound on sale fit=r Columbia river summer fish. They are fishing for the public the only trouble is its not our public. Everyone that fishes the Columbia should request to sit in on these TEL_CONFERENCES and see what a farce they are. Until there's a drastic change in the compact make up we are going to continue to take the short end of the stick. I have fished this river for 55 years. I am completely ashamed of what is being done to the E.S.A. fish with this summer netting. A non targeted opener is unacceptable. PLEASE FOLKS let your elected officials know you ain't at all pleased with our fish management. Salmon' Steel head and Sturgeon. The last one has dropped so far I personally think it should be closed for all for as long as it takes to get the juvenile fish back in the river. Also do some serious SEA LION control. Letting them have a free pass at the spawner sturgeon cannot be allowed.
You'll never guess I get a little wound up on this topic. :redface: I will get off the soap box now. If you have read this far I thank you.
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well crappie1, do you know why the proposed gillnet ban died and WILL NOT be voted on this fall? I have noticed none of its champions have written about it.... and the ginormous mistake they made by getting into bed with extremist radical groups? if no one says anything soon I guess I will have to write a post about it.
ok Kodiak, no problem, Im on the yuba river today and tommorrow, when I get home I will write it up... want to make sure I properly quote the sources... if its going on the internet.- Brad
well, the fish are here. just got word that a guy and his kids were fishing for Steelies off of a local beach and caught a whole boatload of salmon in the process. of course, they had to let them go...which is a bummer. just a couple of days too early...


halibuthitman said:
well crappie1, do you know why the proposed gill net ban died and WILL NOT be voted on this fall? I have noticed none of its champions have written about it.... and the enormous mistake they made by getting into bed with extremist radical groups? if no one says anything soon I guess I will have to write a post about it.

:naughty:The ballot measure didn't die. After it was submitted the attorney generals office put a ballot title on it that failed to represent the initiative. If it had went foreword with that title it would not have passed. It made it sound like the end of all commercial fishing on the Columbia. That was never the point of the initiative. It was intended to get rid of a non-selective method of harvest and replace it AT OUR EXPENSE with a selective method that would eliminate or at least greatly reduce mortality on native stocks. That said It would have additional benefits for the fishing public. No incidental catch. No straying out of open areas into the main stem. Much easier and cost effective to monitor. It would also allow an accurate count of fish harvested. Now at best its a guess. Almost every netter now posses a license to market his fish. No way to check buyers records or any other way of verifying their catch. No more non-selective openings. I fail to see any reasonable excuse for a non-selective opening. Especially on a fish we are required to release wild fish on. This is not acceptable. The reason for this is the net mortality reaches close to 100% when the water warms. HMMMM Maybe that could mean its a good run not to net. The summer Chinook run in the Columbia was depleted almost to extinction once. Strange it went from protected endangered to a net season in one year. Something smells fishy about that. Pardon the pun. We have been short changed every since the first year. Somebody screwed up. We got I think 16 or 17 days before the nets went in. I tip my hat to their lobby and financially enhanced polo titians because that has never happened again. It wont again until there is a major overhaul of our fish management process. There is no way that a resource this delicate and so much a part of what makes Oregon THE place I choose to live. I'm ashamed of what we have done with our future generations heritage. Shame on us. We allow this mismanagement in the favor of a politically organized industry to All but end fishing as it once was. Shame on us. We have allowed a great place for old and young alike to relax and visit while catching an occasional fish. We once had 8 OR beaches that would fish hundreds of people comfortably. In years gone by I met people from all over the country fishing off the beaches. We now have parts of 3 that would be lucky to fish 50 or 60 poles comfortably. Shame on us. My fondest memories as a child was fishing off these beaches and listening in awe to the OLD CRONIES as my Grandson calls them tell of days gone by. He is a lucky young man. He did get in on some good beach fishing. My grand daughters that are 5 yrs old and 5 weeks old will never see it. Shame on us. We can blame it on whomever we choose but bottom line is its our fault. We all need to get involved in getting these horrible things straightened out. We need to quit thinking about our selves and consider what it is that made us choose to live in this great state. We need to stop the MY MY MY attitude and consider those less fortunate. Most of us have either a boat or access to one. At least we can afford an occasional charter. Not so with a lot of people. Some choose not to boat because they just don't want too but many have no choice. It is our responsibility to try to make sure all who fish in Oregon have an opportunity to do this. I know as a child from poor white trash town in Vernonia I was lucky if I could get invited to go along to fish the beaches. I relished every minute of the times I was fortunate enough to get to go. It saddens me to no end to see this ended because of greed. We don't need to develop every foot of riverfront. I was stationed in Germany. There fishing was for the very rich. The first thing anyone said when I mentioned fishing was "you must be very wealthy". I assured them that wasn't the case in MY state. We could all fish and enjoy it. They were amazed.
You will never guess that I tend to get a little passionate on this subject:rolleyes:.:rolleyes: I Will get off my soap box now. If you have read this far Thank You.

Kodiak said:
Well comes your heart breaker......THE CCA actually backed this one (read Ginny Ross), along with the takle makers. This is a pure political move to show that this run, some 80% wild stock this year will most likely be netted back to near extinction and prove their point. Gill netters will strip mine a run. Personally I would be more apt to vote for a complete ban on commercial fishing on the Columbia period. If you go into the archives you will see what we were proposing...not bad for a "well organized little group" that didn't follow CCA guidelines. Their are other initives that we want to put forth but the gill nets gotta be first. We even had the backing of the tribes, who were willing to try and work on eliminating gill nets from within the tribes. If thats whats really happening expect to see me get real busy protecting our fish if these guys won't after they said they would.

If you had listen in on the so called tele-conference you would have heard the C.C.A. recommend that the nets be required to keep live tanks and release wild fish. I personally think your right. Get them to hell out of there. I attend most of the C.C.A. meetings. I still think that the initiative will get the job done. Once again I agree. NOT SOON ENOUGH. I think we need to form a coalition of all the groups with this for a goal and just getter dun. I am tired of hearing how we have to take the HIGH ROAD. Thats so much bull. I am not a lobbyist or politician but one thing I have learned the hard way is there is no Mr. nice guy in a fight. Doesn't matter if it's a brawl or a legal battle You have to get down and dirty to win. The old saying "nice guys Finnish last " is true in any fight. I agree if the nets get another 2 yrs we won't have to worry about the summer run or sturgeon. I think that we are as much to blame on the sturgeon as the nets though. The estuary fishery needs some drastic reduction. Sports fishermen never used to have that great of an impact on sturgeon. Now its a different story. The guide pressure on this fishery is crazy. They are fishing the same fish day after day as the fish drift in and out on the tide. I must admit if it came to a choice of which I chose to destroy this fishery it would be with hook and line. I do however hope that it doesn't come to that. Please try to put aside who is who and lets get the job done. I do believe the C.C.A. is best equipped to do this. Please feel free to show me different. I will gladly support anyone that has a better chance of doing the job.
Thanks for sharing your opinion with me. I do respect and appreciate it.

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