I did a little bobber fishing on the down stream side of the confluence of Daniels creek & S. Fork Coos River two days ago. I would recomend using pautzke cured eggs & sand shrimp on the last half of the outgoing tide but you might have to be their earlier in order to secure a spot. You only want to fish the down stream side not to far out their is a little slot loaded to the gills. Adjust your float to run between 4-6' and you should be river dancin. Between me, my wife and buddy we caught 8 fish in about 4 hours. 3 adults the rest jacks all dark. The bite seemed to turn on & off randomly and switching flavors & scent got us a few more bites. Sand shrimp can definitely be key their at times. Other good bobber spots include the city boardwalk featured in a recent issue of northwest sportsman magazine, the confluence of the east & west fork, and... Dellwood log dump-boat required. Should be due for a batch of freshies any day. A little rain wouldn't hurt either but don't let that slow ya down.