Combat fishing... ...and the meaning of life.

dude young
Hey all,

New to Oregon, not new to fishing. Not new to the idea of having to carry while fishing, new to the idea of having to carry at popular/accessible fishing spots while fishing. That being said, I have never carried a gun while fishing. Not ever on remote streams in PA or NH where there is always the possibility of crossing with a protective Momma Bear, the occasional horny Bull Moose, or the rare (but possible) Mountain Lion. I have been trolling this forum, looking for some tips/tactics for exploring new opportunities. I live in SE Portland now, and, as such, assumed that with the city's proximity to so many fisheries, it would be easy for me to get a start here in the PacNW. I though, "Wow! I'll be living only blocks form thousands of migrating salmon and steelhead! This is gonna be great!" As I dig (and not that deep) into the posts on this board, I have found far too many instances/comments about confrontations at some of the parks and access points in and around the greater Portland area. What is with that? Is it really that bad here? Do I seriously need to carry a gun to go fishing? I get the whole "You're in the city now" thing. But, I can't, nay, I won't believe that we are actually at that point as a society that we need to draw down on or brothers (and sisters) for sake of hooking/snagging/landing that one big one. Or even just one for the grill. Please, someone convince me that this is not the rule, rather the unfortunate exception to it. I've even surf fished the Jersey shore, where the largest know concentration of meat-headed-steroid freaks live, and NEVER had a problem.

Thanks. Looking forward to wettin' a line. Hopefully, close to home.
Hey Dude, I dont know of any threads on here except for one that even mentions a firearm(Sandy River) let alone any physical violence(AA's broken wrist).:think: And I think these are rather insignificant as far as this conversation goes.

I can tell you that the folks here in the PacNW are crazy :dance:about their firearms! You can find a Gun Show at least once a month somewhere in the state, and about 6 a year here in Portland.

And I know that a lot of us on OFF do have their Concealed Handgun License.
I have mine and can count atleast 4 other members who have theirs. Our rivers are no South Central by any means! As you said, more threats from wildlife rather than humans. The exception to this is the minority of the so called "meth heads", and yer run of the mill window smashin' hoodlums that frequent the rivers in the summer time. Im in a crummy 'hood here in S.E. Portland too. And that alone is a good reason to go get your CHL.:lol:

Hopefully you have misread or misunderstood, if not I missed some threads when I read 'em all when I joined up! :D
Armed,but not Stupid

Armed,but not Stupid

Actually I seem to remember a discussion on "packin" going on for a few days this past summer after some unpleasantness with some boneheaded jackasses behaving like boneheaded jackasses at a few local fishing holes. It was assumed at the time that the jackasses were,to quote some who made statements without any kind of proof,"meth heads". However, there are numerous unsavory people who are unemployable for any number of reasons who do not hesitate to threaten bodily harm for a simple meal. Since there is really no way to be able to tell who might carry through with a threat, it is sometimes best to use the best threat available IF it can be backed up. I generally fish alone. I have packed up and left emptyhanded because I have felt threatened by one to three people and their actions. It always pisses me off to have to leave MY fishing hole!
My best friend and roomate has always worried herself sick when I go fishing for fear I will not come back. She remedied that concern today when she bought me a semi-automatic 40mm Taurus pistol at Sportsmens Warehouse. I will take all the safety courses I can,naturally,but I do not need to obtain a Concealed Handgun License to take a loaded weapon with me when I go fishing. I can even carry a weapon (loaded,I believe) down any street in the state as long as I am not behaving in a threatening manner. Will I ever have nerve enough to actually shoot someone? Damn straight,if I feel my life is threatened,right between the blinkers. So, if you see a somewhat chubby,silver-haired grandma flying solo with a hefty bulge off to one side,stop by. I may even have some hot coffee and a spare cup.
In my 20+ years of fishing salmon and steelhead here there has been 4 fights that lead to hospitalization and 1 shooting. Tacoma, Seattle and other areas like that I hear about 6 of them a year. The fishing areas are up there are limited and you want to talk about combat fishing. a row of shoulder to shoulder fisherman below and another row of them above them and I don't mean up river! They are fishing over the lower ones, literally.

I don't fish alone for specific reasons but I have never ever felt like I needed to defend myself against a person, a bear and a cougar, yes, but never a person.

As for packing, I have thought about it because there are times when I might not be alone but I am not right next to someone else. Bear can be a handful with or without cubs if you have a fish on the bank. Even heard a story about a bear taking a fish off the hook before it was landed. Never heard of a person being attacked by bear nor cougar here though. If they can't get a fish that is on the bank they don't seem to bother with you if you leave them alone.

If I had a pistol/revolver I would pack it just in case I needed it but I doubt I would ever have to use it or even show it. Want to avoid the crack/meth heads stay out of the city. I don't have to fish with idiots to catch fish, I can move downstream/upstream and catch them and then when they all move down to me I will move back up and finish my limit and leave.
Not all is lost...still have the 2nd amendment...

Not all is lost...still have the 2nd amendment...

Sorry for use of the term meth-head everyone, I use it loosley, and should probably just use the term drug addict, as I can't tell what the guy is on thats up at the parkin lot stealin' my catalytic converter while I'm fishin'(or in any other instance). Could be nothing.

Raincatcher::D On a brighter note, glad to hear you have means of protection while out and about now. Ya never know. Right between the blinkers:D. Sounds like a movie quote. I think ya mighta ment .40 cal. though.;):)

For the most part dude young, the planet is full of opportunists, all looking for the next opportunity to get what they want, doesn't matter to them at who's expense. Theyre everywhere, from the guy at the bus stop when you go inside the store, to CEO's of Enron, sadly enough to those guys leaving the fishing hole when you pull up. Never can tell.
In your post you say you have never carried a gun fishing. Do you have a specific reason? Ive seen video of a big buck getting territorial, and tearing some guy a new one. I could just imagine a big horny bull moose.
I've been fishing in Oregon for close to 50 years. I've fished every part of this state except the North East. I've never has a single instance where I had any kind of trouble. I have had guys give me tips, I have had guys give me the same type of fly they were using and I've actually had a guy give me a lure he said was the hot one. These were strangers. At boat ramps I've had guys offer to either help me load or lanuch my boat. Of course I always offer to help folk at the boat ramp. It's just the right thing to do.

Now that being said I believe in being vigilant. I watch my surroundings and measure the people around me. I know not everyone has had the same good expierence I've been lucky to have. I think you are in much more danger walking into a 7-11 or going to one of those malls. As far as guns go I think if a person want to pack a gun that's fine too. It's allow under Oregon law and we have a concealed carry law also. Packing a gun definitely has some responsibilities attached to it.

I'd say go out there have some fun and fish. Good luck and tight lines Irishrover
Irishrover said:
I've been fishing in Oregon for close to 50 years. I've fished every part of this state except the North East. I've never has a single instance where I had any kind of trouble. I have had guys give me tips, I have had guys give me the same type of fly they were using and I've actually had a guy give me a lure he said was the hot one. These were strangers. At boat ramps I've had guys offer to either help me load or lanuch my boat. Of course I always offer to help folk at the boat ramp. It's just the right thing to do.

When I said the world is full of opportunists, :naughty: I failed to point out that the world is full of kind hearted, sharing, morally intact anglers as well, such as those you will find here at Oregon Fishing Forum, and muchaswell, the banks of your favorite fishing grounds!
Hey all,
I haven't been on here much lately. I have never felt any danger fishing around the Portland area. I think it is a little sad that people need to carry guns in order to feel safe on our rivers or anywhere. I know my opinion on guns won't fly on this post so I will keep it to myself. I just can't help, but wonder if people who carry guns are more likely to lip off back to some jerk instead of avoiding a confrontation. Hence, creating a situation where a gun is needed. I am all for the maintaining the rights granted by our government and state, I just think guns create a false senses of superiority and good people end up making poor decisions. Hope you boys never have to skin those smoke wagons.
I look at it this way, give me a reason and I will carry. If I don't have to I won't. I do know I am more worried about walking into a bank nowadays than I am fishing without a gun.

I do want to add this, my uncle fishes the columbia and a coulpe of the dams down in that area of soutwestern Washington. He carries a 45 in a holster, a 9 inside and 2 big knives because he has seen the idiots that fish down there. I asked him if I could down there and fish with him sometime and he said fine but I had to carry the 9 if i did. Someday I will go.
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Blinkers Schminkers lets fish!

Blinkers Schminkers lets fish!

You got me, Fishtopher,it is a .40 cal...:redface: Did I tell you that I am realy new to this gun packing thing? :) I just about fainted when she told me why we were at Sportsmens. Now you all know why I said I would be taking all available safety classes. I want to be certain I know the gun inside and out before I take it out of the house. I pray I never need to aim for anyone's "blinkers"(that was kinda funny). But, you gentlemen need to remember that you come with a built-in protection by virtue of being guys. A lone,mature,female fisher folk attracts a different type of company. I truly hate to say it,but, it some guys and gals out there scare the hell out of me. I had never doubted my "toughness" until my son showed me how defenceless I really am. He was extremely gentle and still set me on my hiney with little effort. It was a lesson this "tough 'ol bird" needed to learn.
The offer for a cup of coffee still stands...I really am a gentle fisher folk. Well, unless I can get another Steel on my hook. Then, all bets are off! Right between the blinkers!:tongue:
Sad, but true story...

Sad, but true story...

Raincatcher said:
You got me, Fishtopher,it is a .40 cal...:redface: Did I tell you that I am realy new to this gun packing thing? :) I just about fainted when she told me why we were at Sportsmens. Now you all know why I said I would be taking all available safety classes. I want to be certain I know the gun inside and out before I take it out of the house. I pray I never need to aim for anyone's "blinkers"(that was kinda funny). But, you gentlemen need to remember that you come with a built-in protection by virtue of being guys. A lone,mature,female fisher folk attracts a different type of company. I truly hate to say it,but, it some guys and gals out there scare the hell out of me. I had never doubted my "toughness" until my son showed me how defenceless I really am. He was extremely gentle and still set me on my hiney with little effort. It was a lesson this "tough 'ol bird" needed to learn.
The offer for a cup of coffee still stands...I really am a gentle fisher folk. Well, unless I can get another Steel on my hook. Then, all bets are off! Right between the blinkers!:tongue:

Gun safety is no joke! At this present time, my brother in-law sits in Oregon State Pen...
Went to Sportsmans on the day after he turned 21 to buy a firearm. Ended up with the Baby Eagle 9mm. When he got home, he called me and told me all about it. I could here the excitement in his voice! I told him not to take the gun anywhere, show it to anyone, or play with it until I took him out to Memaloose Rd up the Clackamas River so I could show him the ins and outs of a firearm, how to handle it safely, and lastly how to shoot the damn thing.
We made plans to take it out on Thursday. It was Tuesday when he purchased the firearm. On Wednesday, his best friend since he moved to Oregon(11yrs) came over to hang out. My brother got out his gun, with a fully loaded clip, and proceeded to show it off. His friend was kneeling down about 3ft in front of him. After chambering a round "accidently", he attempted to pop the round out after dropping the clip out, and sadly he just held his finger in the wrong spot while pulling the slide back, and when he applied pressure with that finger, he shot his best friend in the chest from point blank range. His best friend of 11 yrs lay there dying in his arms until the police got there to verify the scene was safe for the e.m.t.'s to come in and get him to the hospital.
:(He passed away before the police could ask him what happened.
In the blink of an eye, my brothers life changed, and was now looking at Manslaughter charges, being a convicted felon, spending the next 10yrs away from his then 2 year old son, and leaving a wife at home left to deal with it all alone.
4 1/2 years later and my brother is looking forward to moving on with his life, after 3 more months in prison. He accepted a plea bargain to get lesser time, in exchange for never owning a firearm again, and a few other things.

Just having a gun does not make you safe. Learning how to care for gun as soon as you get it, will help keep you and your loved ones safer though, in my opinion.

:pray:Please do take those classes, and take this story to heart, as it could happen to anyone. But it is no different than buying a Porsche, showing yer pal that it can do Mach 4 in 10 seconds, and hitting a guy crossing the street. Humans are the underlying factor in both cases. Just gotta be carefull in life in general.

And if I see ya on the bank Barb, I take 1 lump of sugar with a dash of milk.:D;):lol:

Hey Young dude, welcome to Oregon.

Before I jump into comments regarding the nature of this thread I gotta say; recently I had the oppertunity to meet up with a group of Stone Makers LLC from NH. Not only was thier unconventional approuch to cement "forming" unique, it 's a true art form.

Thanks for indulging me....

Firearms and fishing....

For the record I'm one of the packin' crew. In the past (B.P. before packing) I'd find myself not so inclinded to angle alone. Meth-heads and other sketchy outcasts were a consern; not so much on the river bank, rather more so near where people park and the pickin' are easier for those so inclined to do crimes.

While I have never had a ocassion that warrented having to fall back to a measure of last resort; once a boy scout the motto of "be prepared" has always stuck with me.

There are laws on the books which allow concealed carry by folks who don't have a CHL.

ORS 166.260 Persons not effected by ORS 166.250
2) Except of persons who are otherwise prohibited from possing a firearm under ORS 166.250 (1)(c) or 166,270, ORS 166.250 does not apply or effect..

*(b)Licensed hunters or fishermen while engaging in hunting or fishing or while going to or returning from a hunting or fishing expedition.
No joke!

No joke!

Heartbreaking story! I hope you and your family will find a heartwarming reunion at the end of your brother's ordeal.
You can absolutely believe that I take owning this weapon as a HUGE responsibility. I will spend many hours with as many knowedgable people as possible before I even consider taking it anywhere close to water. I have already decided to keep the clip in the holster rather than the gun itself until I have tons of training.
Anytime any one of you fellas would like to hold a workshop on target practice and MORE gun safety, I would be first to sign up. I am very serious about learning as much as I can.
Thanks for the concern and advice friends, I will trade all that for the privilage of serving you coffee anytime.
Raincatcher said:
Heartbreaking story! I hope you and your family will find a heartwarming reunion at the end of your brother's ordeal.
You can absolutely believe that I take owning this weapon as a HUGE responsibility. I will spend many hours with as many knowedgable people as possible before I even consider taking it anywhere close to water. I have already decided to keep the clip in the holster rather than the gun itself until I have tons of training.
Anytime any one of you fellas would like to hold a workshop on target practice and MORE gun safety, I would be first to sign up. I am very serious about learning as much as I can.
Thanks for the concern and advice friends, I will trade all that for the privilage of serving you coffee anytime.

Oddly enough early on I considered mentioning the option of some firearm practice during the gathering at Detroit lake. I know of several areas that are "safe" to target shoot in the general area. I reconsidered the idea thinking it might not have the family appeal we'd hope to create.

Being said, it is something we could consider if the interest exists
Fishtopher ......thanks for the post about your brother in law. Packing a gun carries with it an awesome responsibility as your post indicates. JT I'm with you in that I hope no one has to as you put it "no one has to skin those smoke wagons". I hope the only lead that ever flies on the river is attached to a fishing line. I do support the right to carry and hope that those that do pack use good judgement, have a cool temperment and know when to walk away from trouble. Most of all I hope we all just have good times out fishing and never come on a situation where the question presents itself. I like to think positive but there is merit to being prepared.:)
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Over the years there have been many injuries/deaths due to an unknown chambered round left in a semi-auto handgun. Never point your weapon at a person or a wall someone could be behind unless you mean them bodily harm.

Brother Fishtopher i am truly sorry for your beloved BIL & Family.

I was in Vietnam when i got a letter from my beloved Mom. She said my beloved stepdad (Army CID for 20 years) was out in the garage by himself cleaning his 9mm. A round went off & he was killed instantly. I have never understood what happened there!!!!!!

I have never had a problem but i usually carry my S&W .357 magnum revolver becuz my 4-legged pal..............rottie/shep/lab mite hava problema with a wild forest friend.


receive proper instruction

practice practice frequently

be SAFE.......BE SAFE

TAKE CARE........................:D
Irishrover said:
Fishtopher ......thanks for the post about your brother in law. Packing a gun carries with it an awesome responibility as your post indicates. JT I'm with you in that I hope no one has to as you put it "no one has to skin those smoke wagons". I hope the only lead that ever flies on the river is attached to a fishing line. I do support the right to carry and hope that those that do pack use good judgement, have a cool temperment and know when to walk away from trouble. Most of all I hope we all just have good times out fishing and never come on a situation where the question presents itself. I like to think positive but there is merit to being prepared.:)

WELL SAID Brother Irishrover.....................:)
Be safe

Be safe

I have to believe that the caring attitude which is so prevalent on this amazing forum is what it is because of the attitude of 99.99% of everyone involved. If we didn't give two hoots about everyone else, we wouldn't be on this site. Everyone be safe and take care.
To start Chris my heart goes out to you and your familly bor:pray:

As far as carring goes I'm one that can but I choose not to and have never felt that I needed to. In all the times I have been out fishing I always meet people like the people on here. All have been friendly and great people to fish with (I also stay away from any place that can be called a combat fishing zone) I go fishing to relax not argue and fight over what hole belongs to who.
I'll take that back there has been a time or two the I thought it would have been good to have a gun with me, you know them few times when that monster fish swims up to your setup and then swims away would love to get that one in the head:lol:
So many things on my mind now...

So many things on my mind now...

Hi Folks,

First off, I am surprised that this has gone as far as it has. I am impressed that so many people have such strong opinions on this topic, but, I am afraid that my suspicions have been verified. It is, unfortunately, unsafe to use the access facilities that your licensing dollars go toward providing you. That is unless you are a thug, a criminal, or are carrying a gun. This is not acceptable to me, nor should it be to you. While I appreciate all the input that you all have offered, the one thing that seems to be missing is an offer of a solution. (Packing is NOT a solution to this problem.) So, as the person that started this thread, I will also offer the first solution. (Bear with me as I can tend to be long winded sometimes)

Back in New Hampshire we had a program called Lake Host. The purpose of the program was to protect NH's public waters from a different enemy that we have here. The enemy was invasive and exotic species. The LH's were an army of volunteers that stood vigil at all public water access points in the state. They would great people as they arrived at the facilities and asked some questions, offered some suggestions, and looked over their watercraft to ensure that there would be no spread of the nuisence species. While they had no authority to stop anyone from launching a boat/canoe/kayak, their presence informed and encouraged people to do the right thing. They were volunteers. Instead of fishing, boating, swimming... on thier day off, they stood at their post, and did their job.

What does this mean to us? Well an idea that I have been hatching while I have been reading the replies to my original post is a similar one. I don't have it all worked out, but I have some ideas that I'd lke to float by you and get some more input. And maybe we, as stewards of our sport, can form a grassroots movement that may help to make it unnecessary for some
chubby,silver-haired grandma flying solo
to feel as though she needs too have
a hefty bulge off to one side
. Or, when my nephew comes out to visit me or my wife decides she wants to try her hand at a steely, I can take them a few blocks down and we can have a good time. With other folks that are there to have a good time.

How? Well I was thinking that maybe the first step is to have a couple of people, in a team, just sort of hang out in and around the parking areas of the more popular urban spots. No "meth-head" is going to steal a catalytic converter when there is someone watching. Heck, they won't even stop if they see someone milling about. You don't need a gun, you just need a phone. If you see something happen, you call the cops. Next, why not have a team down by the water. Make it clear who we are. Great people when they come down. Don't fish, just observe. Offer advice to folks that seem to not know "the ropes". Let them know that there are rules that the other people expect them to follow. Again, if you see something happen, call the cops. And, I am not talking about littering or smoking weed. Chances are, just our presence would deter that sort of behavior over time.

There seem to be enough folks here on these boards that seem to want to solve this problem. Can you offer a few hours here and there to help out? Like I said, I am new here, so I'll need help figuring out the logistics, but I would bet that there are three or four places in and around the metro-area that would benefit form this sort of thing. Maybe I am wrong. I bet Fish and Game and the local authorities would LOVE this kind of help.

That's all for now. Thanks for your time. Oh, and be careful tonight. It is ametuer night, after all.;)

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