Combat fishing 101

This thread isn't meant to start any arguments or make any one mad. It's sarcasm. Pure sarcasm.

So on a recent fishing trip on a fairly popular river, I was taught a few keys to combat fishing and I'd like to share them with you.

#1 If you're in a crowded area and people are casting over by where your line is making it difficult to fish or even cast out(trying to take the hole from you), don't be affraid to snag. You can always untangle the snag or re-tie your line, but it's hard as hell to catch a fish if someone steals your spot.

#2 Say you're at a spot hunting some chrome and a drift boat rows up and anchors right in front of you. What do you do? Well, my crafty teacher showed me that the easiest way to get rid of them is to be that annoying housefly. There's a couple of ways to do this. Take your spinners and take aim. Take aim at thier line, take aim at thier boat, take aim at anything that's gonna tick em off. Now if you're really chapped about it, you can take a big pyramid weight and tie it up with some 30 lb braided line, and try to sink the boat.

#3 The key is to have enough gear that you're willing to lose (weights, cheap spinners). You can't go into war unarmed.

#4 Don't be scared to tell someone that they're invading your territorial bubble. It might not work, but you'll feel better for trying to protect your space.
If anyone would like to add any tips to this feel free. It's all for fun and please no one take offense.
few years ago while visiting family, I was fishing the american and sacramento rivers.

shoulder to shoulder tangle fest since sunrise, some guy in a boat plops right infront of 14+ shore anglers and drops anchor to sit on a hole.

everyone around me reeled in, snapped on the biggest weights they had and started nailing the side of the boat.

It looked like a waffle by the time he got his anchor up and drifted down stream.
I'll add something. When a group of anglers are trying to drift through a deep hole, don't cast your buzz bomb upriver over everyones line:lol:.
I'd never do this, but I've always wanted to walk up to a shoulder to shoulder fishing hole and act like it was my first time fishing and cast at an angle over everyone's line.
I have cast as close as possible without hitting a boat that I felt was too close for comfort though.
Pirate tactics

Pirate tactics

Ok, so this thread is about things that went on when I hooked up with Autofisher and friends, Metalmania, Ninja2010, and Arctic Ameba. What happened isn't my normal M.O., but it isn't polite to get messed with and not mess back. There comes a time when certain unsavory tactics come into play when defending your position in combat situations.

1. Stand your ground. I know certain anglers will intentionaly throw thier gear farther across the hole to force you OFF the fish, sure they may tangle you, but they will be too. Always be the one to untangle the gear. This way you will know your gear is in working order, and you will be back in the water first...Thier tactic didn't work. Remember, be polite, and nice. It will make them look like the idiot.

2. Turn about is fair play. Occasionally you may need to send a message. Be obvious, throw deep, cut them off. Nothing says I know what your doing and have had enough like having your gear splash water on thier pants. Once or twice is usually all that is needed. You can follow up with an "oops, my thumb slipped" and a snide smile if you feel it will help.

3. Occasionally they just don't get it. This works great if you are in a group and a down stream angler keeps casting up and into your gear. Casting out of sequence will deprive them of a clear shot. The down stream guy will catch the brunt of it and must be willing to put up with it to give his buddies a clear shot at the fish. Usually the upstream caster will eventually get the point and fish the water infront of them.

4. Bad Boats. We've all dealt with this, much to our frustration some idiot anchors up in the middle of a bank fishing slot with complete and total disregard for bank bound anglers. Certain areas a there to provide people with bank access, some boaters just don't get it. Politely and firmly explain the situation and ask them to move...No? Game on. Break out the box out of tune heavy spinners, crappy spoons, ridicoulously heavy garbage gear with big trebles that you found. Lob a few rounds near thier anchor rope or side of the boat. WARNING: never hit the boat, gear, or occupants. This could be missconstrued as attempted and or assault. If this doesn't work phase 2 comes into play. Drop below the boat and reach. Bank anglers have the right to fish here as much as you do and have the right of way (have more right to be here than you). Fish away. The occasional "accidental tangle" will occur especially if your timing is off. After five or six snagged rigs they will get the point and find a way to share the hole by moving across, up or, down. But at least everyone gets to fish.
Just the other day I watched some bank anglers smash out the windows of the boat, crack the cowling of his shiny new motor, and narrowly miss the head of a guy who decided to anchor right next to the bank and screw the guys out of the spot they had been all day. They asked him pretty nicely several times and he just flipped them off and took a seat and put his rods out.
I can't say I blame them one bit.
As someone who generally fishes out of a boat, I know just how easy it is to give the bank anglers space and find a different spot. I have the whole river and I don't have to hike for miles to get where I'm going.
it really is a shame how some people act.
Aside from a couple tangles I had a great time, and really it wasn't that bad. There's always gonna be a few goobers, or flat out a-holes in the bunch, but i don't let it ruin my good time. Thanks again Kodiak, hopefully I can make it down when it's a bit less crowded:D.
I flyfish so I actualy really have the upper hand, when crowded I simply become one of the poorest casters you have ever seen, and whamo.... lot of real eastate!:shock:
halibuthitman said:
I flyfish so I actualy really have the upper hand, when crowded I simply become one of the poorest casters you have ever seen, and whamo.... lot of real eastate!:shock:

LOL..thats awesome:clap:
One time at Benson this one guy took my friends spot when he was going to the Bathroom,
He was gone for ten minuttes and there was already someone there. And there wasn't any other Good Spot left. So when he was about to cast my friend screamed OWWWWWWW And the guy looked back and got his line tangled in a tree.

But real combat fishing is at Bonneville for Shad.
Good luck finding a Spot at 12Pm
All in all it was a great trip up the river. I learned a lot and got to meet a few of you from the forum (even if it was from across the water) I'm glad that I made the trip. In fact, I went back up there today and fought a steelhead up to the shore. It spit the hook just before it was up on the bank. I won't get into why it wasn't landed(let's just say that drunk people standing in the way of you and the water and your friends and the net are a hell of a distraction). But man oh man. I don't think I would've even had a shot at that fish if I hadn't paid attention to my Jedi Master as he was stalking fish in the same spot the day before. Thanks again.
At packsaddle or mill city bridge?...what on ...suspense killing me...must throw spinners at someone...hulk MaDDD!
I was up at Packsaddle with Nick-109. He was throwing some of the spinners that he had used the day before and I was drift fishing for a while when I decided I'd throw a spinner at them too. The drunks showed up a while before but had stayed down stream with thier dog(which kept chasing our lures). So I grabbed an old muted gold spinner with a black and yellow body, and gave it a shot. First cast, see how it spins and how fast I should retrieve, no takers. Second cast, not as far as the first one and slowed my retrieve........BAM!!! About a 12 lb steelhead not too far from where you said you got into a fight with yours. As I fought the fish, the drunk guy walks up and stands between me and the water(couldn't see where the fish was headed) Nick runs for the net and politely asks the drunk lady to get out of his way, 4 times(and then she went right back to the same spot). Grabs the net, turns, asks the lady to move three more times before he gets down to the waters edge. By this time I have the fish close to shore and it's gettin really mad. Just as Nick gets up behind it to get it with the net, it jumped up, looked me in the eye and spits the lure at me like a homing missle. It hit so hard that it bent one of the hooks straight and bent the lure in half.
They interfered even more later, right up to the time we left.
As for the lure, well, let's just say that I tried to fix it and it didn't work. You're probably going to laugh when I tell you this, but it was a Panther Martin #15. I think I was more shocked that it went for the lure than I was that it got away.

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