Cleaning crab made easier!

Fish-On Fred
Fish-On Fred
A very good friend was at the Albany Show, and he presented me with a "Crack'n Crab Cleaner", that has been developed from a small company on the coast. I have always cleaned my crab before the cook as to allow my spices to get into the meat of the crab. ODFW recommends that you should clean before cook as to reduce the amount of domoic acid to enter the meat if the crab was whole when you cook it. If you are interested in finding out more about the device, look up on the internet. I am looking forward to using mine.
This video is a nice demonstration of crab cleaning. It is not mine, but it is nice and instructive.

bass said:
This video is a nice demonstration of crab cleaning. It is not mine, but it is nice and instructive.

geez, that guy is way slow. lol

this is how I clean mine, takes about 15s per crab (lots of cleaning stations have a vertical metal thing to split them on) :

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But the crab butter is the best part. Buddy of mine made a dip out of it and our friends that thought eating the crab butter was disgusting said it was amazing before he told them it was made out of the crab butter.
Dastanli said:
But the crab butter is the best part. Buddy of mine made a dip out of it and our friends that thought eating the crab butter was disgusting said it was amazing before he told them it was made out of the crab butter.

it depends on how you feel about the risk of domoic acid....

"It is always recommended you eviscerate the crab and discard the "butter" (viscera or guts) prior to cooking. When whole crab are cooked in liquid, domoic acid may leach into the cooking liquid. It is recommended you discard the cooking liquid, and do not use it in other dishes, such as sauces, broths, soups, stews, stocks, roux, dressings, etc. The consumption of crab viscera is not recommended. "

Oregon Department of Agriculture: Recreational Shellfish Biotoxin Closures
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Yep. I clean mine the same way, Roger.
Quick and easy and the heck with the crab "butter" and the risk that goes with it.
Now that Crack & Crab device sure would be handy especially at the cleaning stations that lack an edge to crack them on.
But it seems a little high priced for my tight budget.

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