I have a friend and fellow archaeologist located in Portland (affiliated with PSU) who is studying some historic food remains in the northwest, and she's finding some fish bones in the archaeological record that she can't identify. She wants a shad specimen to de-flesh and study its bones to see whether or not it might be one of the mystery fish she's finding. But, that's not easy to find.
Would anyone on here be willing to donate a shad (or preferably two) to my friend in the name of science? I know it's against the rules to sell game/fish like this, but we're willing to figure out a "trade" that will make it well worth your while!
Would anyone on here be willing to donate a shad (or preferably two) to my friend in the name of science? I know it's against the rules to sell game/fish like this, but we're willing to figure out a "trade" that will make it well worth your while!