I couldn't agree more. I am an avid steelie slayer, almost year round, wherever I can find em. Along with Springer chinook's on the Willamette up near Portland. (I live in Springfield/Eugene area) But as far as line goes my 2 cents is simple... I use 8, 10, 15 pound test "P-LINE CXX Ultra Green" When I'm steelie fishing near my house or on the coastal rivers & creeks (Whitikar cr. Slaw, Lake cr., Alsea river, ect..) my Quantum Smoke bait caster is spooled up with 10lb P-Line's CXX Ultra Green. Depending on the turbidity (water color) If it's really clear water I'll still use my 10lb CXX but tie on my leader of 8lb CXX. If the water clarity is a little off or murkey, I run 10lb CXX mainline and 10lb CXX leader as well. It's simple, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I doubt since I started using this over "maxima" a few years ago, I have EVER lost a fish due strictly to the "line". It's either a damaged spot in the line, a bad knot, or broke swivel. As far as salmon fishing goes. I do almost the exact same thing as steelhead, just with a little higher weight line, but still P-line CXX Ultra Green. I use 15lb mainline and leader and it works awesome! Again, in very clear water i'll step down to a 12lb leader but there is ALWAYS 15lb CXX P-Line Ultra green on my bigger Pflueger Trion bait caster. Also I can say again, I doubt that I've ever lost a McKenzie or Willamette river chinook on this set up. Trolling hearing up in Portland in March for big ol' Springers I'll use 20lb CXX because I know that there is some hogs in there that I would feel REALLY stupid if I hooked up and snapped off my 15lb because I was being ignorant and thinking that 15lb will catch them all! So really it's personal preference, and to each their own. But if you need cold hard facts and data, go to "chrome seeker.com" there is a pro line test in PSI and tensil strength for ALL the lines that are out there. Check that out and see for yourself. If anything, it's a cool article to read.