Bait that best works for carp

Hey all I haven't done allot of carp fishing, me and my son are sitting here and carp are hitting the top of the water like crazy, what's the best bait for carp
corn! Tony
Like @Casting Call said corn works well. I also make doughball from either cornmeal and boiling water (keep dumping cornmeal in and stirring until it forms a dough) or milk and wheat germ (gently bring milk to a boil and add wheat germ until it is a dough. You can add whatever extra flavorings you would like to either. I always add salt, sometimes jello, anise, vanilla, etc.

The dough is extra work but it makes you feel like you are doing something special :) Some days plain old corn will out fish the fanciest doughball.

If you want to catch them on the surface then often a piece of bread will work but you don't get much distance with it. Don't mush the bread if you want it to float. I have caught carp on topwater (fishing for bass) from places where folks feed bread to ducks. Always disappointing when it is not a 15lb bass ripping drag :)
I've had good luck with pieces of hotdogs.
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