Any Paulina / East updates?

New member
Heading over to Sunriver in two weeks. Planning to take the boat because it is finally mostly functional (little concerned about the mercury 2 stroke oil injection system but I'll keep an eye on the tank mounted reservoir).

I've read some old reports from the last couple of years that East Lake's water level is way down and ramps might not be usable anymore. It's been probably 20 years since I was last there when I was a teenager.

Fire maps don't seem to suggest any closures but please let me know.
I was just there, but used a kayak so didn't use the ramps. I did eyeball them from the water. I didn't see anyone using the hot springs boating site ramp except for some tubes and kayaks. The one in the cinder hill campground looked usable, but probably shallow. saw a drift boat and smaller 14/16' boat launch/recover while I was there. Couple larger boats seemed to be docked at the resort. Don't know how they got in.

No word on Paulina, but I suspect they're okay

Some smoke but no fire impact
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Thanks for the update! Maybe it's just that it's salmon season but I'm surprised by how little reporting there has been on other bodies of water around this state.

My boat is large at 20' but is also pretty flat bottomed and rides pretty shallow so hopefully I will be good. That or I'll just stick to Paulina.

Either way, I'm looking forward to getting back there. I haven't fished those lakes since I was a teenager with my best friend. Probably been 20 years at least. East Lake still full of carp so you can provide an easy meal for the eagles?
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don't know about carp, but it has the tui chub that are a nuisance in many lakes, so good eagle fodder. I fed four to the birds
Fished Paulina yesterday - Ramp at campground and the one at Little Crater are good for bigger boats (mine is an 18) We fly fished around and got some takes on a mosquito wet looking fly - fished dry. Heard (Fly Fishers Place - Sisters) that they have had success on grasshoppers (mine flew out of the boa on way up - dang) Was kinda slow for us but beautiful day. Lots of small chubs to feed the browns, I heard that the big boats at East can launch at the resort - kinda muddy - the ramp at Cinder hill had rocks in the way last year - haven't looked this year but did get the pontoons out for later
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@OregonApe just saw some highway closures West of Sisters; due to fires. So you might want to keep an on things; depending on your route.
troutdude said:
@OregonApe just saw some highway closures West of Sisters; due to fires. So you might want to keep an on things; depending on your route.
Thanks for the heads up. 58 from Springfield. Hopefully it stays open.

The rest of the family are 26 from Portland.
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OregonApe said:
Thanks for the heads up. 58 from Springfield. Hopefully it stays open.

The rest of the family are 26 from Portland.
You're welcome. For now those "lanes" are probably open. Good luck and let us know how you do!
Paulina fished good today - roads are open as far as I know
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Well apparently there is a large fire just west of Sunriver. The evacuation notice was lifted earlier today which is good. Still might make for some unpleasant air. The rental company gave me the impression that they won't cancel my reservation unless the place is literally burning down.
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