Angler harassment

Sorry to revive a dead thread, However I have lived in three separate homes all with private property that butts up against the public property of the V__ Z_______ Reservoir. It is 100% legal to fish here. Having lived there for over 10 years I have come to find the people in the neighborhood are harmless, but there are two to three people that live across the street from the lake that like to complain as they claim "Fisherman leave trash on the bridge and bank. There are 3 GIANT Koi carp that where released in 2006 that still live there if anyone wants a challenge.
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PDXangler said:
Sorry to revive a dead thread, However I have lived in three separate homes all with private property that butts up against the public property of the V__ Z_______ Reservoir. It is 100% legal to fish here. Having lived there for over 10 years I have come to find the people in the neighborhood are harmless, but there are two to three people that live across the street from the lake that like to complain as they claim "Fisherman leave trash on the bridge and bank. There are 3 GIANT Koi carp that where released in 2006 that still live there if anyone wants a challenge.
Also my family was part of the HOA so I am very familiar with the regulations and laws regarding that land.
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PDXangler said:
Also my family was part of the HOA so I am very familiar with the regulations and laws regarding that land.

Hi thank you for your reply! Somebody put up signs that state there is no fishing allowed and I was actually pretty down about it that day. So I don't really know what to do. I honestly have information saved on my phone also on what the HOA states, but all in all, the HOA basically states they can change the "hours" of fishing time during the day. So I am night quite sure what to do, but if you or someone else would like to send me a private messgae, I'm more than welcome to talk about things that have happened there and maybe the type of controversial fish I've caught there...

Or maybe I could make a phone call to the HOA, because I really want to start fishing there just for fun and catch and release only. As of now, I'm off put about it and gave up. Just been sturgeon fishing for monsters, but would rather catch monsters from said lake ?
I have her phone number and I am friends with her son. I was at dinner with them on the a week ago. They are nice people but at the end of the day they are trying to control public property. The sign they put up holds as much legal value as the speed limit signs families put up that say "SLOW 10MPH" even though legal speed posted is 20. Just be polite. Ignore them when they come up to you. If they start talking about trespassing just gladley mention this law" ORS 498.006 Except as the State Fish and Wildlife Commission by rule may provide otherwise, no person shall chase, harass, molest, worry or disturb any wildlife except while engaged in lawfully angling for, taking, hunting or trapping such wildlife. [1973 c.723 §74; 2003 c.656 §11] that land is public property and the residents around the reservoir have no right to the land. Across from the resoivor there is a green space between homes. That is also all public land.
PDXangler said:
I have her phone number and I am friends with her son. I was at dinner with them on the a week ago. They are nice people but at the end of the day they are trying to control public property. The sign they put up holds as much legal value as the speed limit signs families put up that say "SLOW 10MPH" even though legal speed posted is 20. Just be polite. Ignore them when they come up to you. If they start talking about trespassing just gladley mention this law" ORS 498.006 Except as the State Fish and Wildlife Commission by rule may provide otherwise, no person shall chase, harass, molest, worry or disturb any wildlife except while engaged in lawfully angling for, taking, hunting or trapping such wildlife. [1973 c.723 §74; 2003 c.656 §11] that land is public property and the residents around the reservoir have no right to the land. Across from the resoivor there is a green space between homes. That is also all public land.
Ok thank you for your support I appreciate it a lot...I will definitely message you if anything happens and of course I will be proffesional about my fishing time always
Hi, I was wondering if you have any type of documentation of the Lake being public fishable?
PDXangler said:
Sorry to revive a dead thread, However I have lived in three separate homes all with private property that butts up against the public property of the V__ Z_______ Reservoir. It is 100% legal to fish here. Having lived there for over 10 years I have come to find the people in the neighborhood are harmless, but there are two to three people that live across the street from the lake that like to complain as they claim "Fisherman leave trash on the bridge and bank. There are 3 GIANT Koi carp that where released in 2006 that still live there if anyone wants a challenge.
Aha! I knew that area had an HOA, but wasn't sure if the reservoir was owned by them. Good to know the reservoir is public!
After spending time doing more research I asked my family about the specifics of who "OWNS" the land. They said it was tricky being honest. It is publicly owned by the HOA and they allow access but technically the property is a natural conversation plot. Here is a nifty interactive map U.S. Geological Survey Map Viewer So in short yes you can fish there, however it really is a grey area, and you may get asked to leave. You could wait and see what clackamas PD has to say. (Most of them fish and would be on your side if you aren't being a nuisance) also take my experiance with agrain of salt as everyone in that neighborhood knows and recognizes me so I may be left alone for that reason as well. So tread lightly....sadly
What exactly is a "natural conversation plot" ?
igquick said:
I was bank fishing LEGALLY at a public location when a nearby home owner approached me. She told me it was private property and the whole neighborhood voted there would be no more fishing. I told her that the nearby neighbors enjoy me fishing here and that I didn't believe her. She then claimed again that it was private property, and I couldn't fish there. I took out my phone and told her I'm going to call the cops because I didn't believe here. She hesitated, then stated I could fish in the mornings, just not in the evenings. Then I said that doesn't make sense, you just told me that it's private property; and I questioned her allegations. She walked away.

If anybody has any tips, or know any policeman personally I could call or text, because I have a feeling things will escalate, please let me know. This isn't the first time I've been harassed by others while fishing, and quite frankly I'm kind of tired of it.
The regs tell you everything you want to know about where and how to fish. Clearly, the lady had no idea of what she was talking about. If you had your feet in the water, you were legal, most likely. If it was a public place, same thing. Next time give her a can of sardines and tell her it's on the house. LOL
We have conservation easements around where I live, and that may have been to what he was referring.

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