Alsea steelhead

Thank you Sapo.

Got a report for us Willerman?
Was a little eager and got there before sunrise, so I didn't really scope out good spots until on the way back. I found this spot after a few failed ones and settled. I only had a few hours as I had to be back in town by noon, so I really wasn't switching spots like I heard you are supposed to do if you aren't catching. Water was a little brown, but I still dipped my pole from about 8-11. Caught a few snags, but no fish. How far should the jig/worm be off the bottom? I'll take it for what it was - a learning experience. On the way back I could see that there were a lot better spots with better water. There were quite a few people farther upriver fishing. I was pretty far downriver, about a mile past Scott Creek. Was a great morning and didn't rain so I can't complain, had a good time. Excited to go back, might even go back today.
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Nice report; even if you didn't hook up with any fins. Like they say, better than a day at work! Thanks for sharing. Good luck on your next outing.
Have tomorrow off and am going to give it a go. River predictions have it around 9ft, which I hear is a little high... Is bobber and jig still an effective technique at this level? I was thinking about buying a spoon or two tonight as well; I hear this is a little tougher to master, but figured I might as well give it a try.
Might be a little high. If it's brown and muddy; think shiny spoons / large & bright jigs. If the water is green, go with smaller or duller colored spoons--and smaller jigs.

Good luck.
It's going to be raging diarrhea,large chunks of bait will be your friend.

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All fish caught between 11ft and 9 ft on the guage in the last week or two. Big chunks of bait
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Awesome! Way to slay em under tough conditions.
You can sit below the hatchery and have a good chance at those water levels.
Yeah the hatchery stretch produces at those levels but I prefer sealice on my fish, not leeches and shoulder to shoulder fishing.
We catch sea lice steelhead on the North Fork throughout the year, especially with high water like we are having. ;) Though plunking the lower river you are almost guaranteed a sea lice chromer.
Thats the truth. Anyone and everyone is over there now limiting out . although i noticed some already coloring up along with chromers being hit at the hatchery. I prefer solitude and plunk well below the crusher when the water is high. 2 weeks ago nobody was even fishing yet up high. Dont discount what were doing under prior conditions (or baiting a fellow member with cavalier remarks). Id take a tidewater fish any time of the season over the north fork. Also nobody can deny the leeches and combat fishing over having the river to yourselves.
Yeah, we don't fish the hatchery stretch. Lots of water to find solitude from the North Fork down to tidewater if you are willing to walk and/or know some locals. :D
Im thinking of hitting Tidewater and staying a few nights at blackberry,this will be my first time in that area.
GoBlueFan said:
Im thinking of hitting Tidewater and staying a few nights at blackberry,this will be my first time in that area.

Whats your preferred way to fish? Bigger water down low can be challenging. There is fish in the entire system. Looking at the pull offs and other rigs will key you into the areas without beating brush. With the levels being steady finding where and how you want to fish are the hardest parts.
Well I started driving up to Alsea on xmas eve but it started snowing pretty good and I didn't happen to bring my truck :( I turned around and headed over to Junction City pond, as I heard they had just stocked it with brooders. Saw one guy pull out a real nice looking one. I also saw a few fish swimming at my feet, but I am glad I didn't hook into one; I wouldn't have touched it with a 10 foot stick - looked like they were a couple hours away from dying. I have ALL week off this week, and got a pretty nice 9'6 pole (which I needed) as a present. I am confident I will have a pic of a fish by the end of the week! River levels look good so wish me luck :)
Well after spending a bunch of money on a floating setup and losing a ridiculous amount of jigs, I landed one on a hand-me-down Shakespeare Wonderod and a $20 Okuma reel with a blue fox. Fun fish to catch! On the Wilson in the area of Bear creek yesterday.
Nice fish! Just proves that while top of the line gear is nice you don't need it to catch fish.

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Nice! Congrats.
Congratulations! Way to hang in there. Was that your first!

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