Absolute B.S!!!!!!!....

Troutier Bassier
Active member
Bill Monroe: Hunt for illegal sturgeon anglers mostly fruitless | OregonLive.com

Please read the article...
I fished in this spot last saturday during spring break. 95% of the people there are snaggers. Using snagging rigs. Not normal sturgeon rigs. Heres my story..

I was driving to Multnomah falls with the Fam. On the way back I see 20+ cars parked along I-84. I ask my dad to pull over and I get out and run to the riverbank. I see over 60 anglers fishing for sturgeon!! I couldent belive it! The water was soo shallow it dried up in the summer and I couldve walked across it right then and there.. I get a quick look and run back to the car.

Next weekend me and my buddy made a plan to go sturgeon fishing for the first time from the bank. We get our rods and head out. His dad drops us off and we get to the spot to see 1 keeper sturgeon landed. Pretty legit. We cast out with our normal sturgeon rigs and set out rods down.

About 5 mins later a guy next to us (It was combat fishing) pulls one in BY THE TIP OF THE @$$! I was in shock. I dident know how it was possible to snag a sturgeon especially when your plunking. I went closer to examine his rig... BS.

4oz weight at the bottom,. about 12" above was a hook tied directly to the line. Everything was good though. The hook was barbles, and there was only one. he DIDENT have any thread or bait remains on it though:think::naughty:

After a few fish I realized everyone was a Jack and was a snagger. There were two boats across the water, (The place is a small 150M slough, with a island on the other side) on the island there were 3 boats catching them left and right. I get out my Binoculars and notice all the sturgeon were snagged.. :mad::mad:

About 2 hours later a game warden comes down to count fish and stuff. He talks to me, asks me if I caught anything I tell him no. He asks me if I've seen anyone snagging and I tell him most of the guys here are snagging. He was well aware of that..

Me and my buddy move down from the other jacksalmons and put in our gear next to a REAL fisherman. I dident get his name but he was a nice guy. He goes to that hole evey year he told me and he said that the sturgeon eat the clams that lived in the sand. He also caught 6 that day, 1 Keeper (released) and 5 shakers. All leagly caught. He told me last weekend he caught a 6 footer in the spot he was in. He was a very nice man. Even gave me some sandshrimp to use. And I think he was the only person there using a normal sturgeon rig with a slider and weight and stuff.

I left at 3pm due to hail and rain. That place is a absolute bunghole. I dident see one person get a ticket or get there lisence checked. Hopefully ODFW will shut it down next year..... Its very sad to see fish try to escape Sea lions and get snagged by humans.... :(
TB, when you go off half-cocked like this without enough knowledge to make some of the statements made here it really shows your age, grow up.

The lead on the bottom with a very short or no leader 12-18" up is not a snag rig.. its the best way to catch sturgeon while plunking imo. I have done it plenty and never once snagged a fish with a rig like this. Its the ONLY rig used at Bonny because of the deep rock crevasses. Your rig will work, but not as well... your rig is a proper boat rig when you can be on top of the fish.

I am not saying you didn't see what you saw but calling everyone who ties up different than you a snagger is just childish and ignorant.
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TB, when you go off half-cocked like this without enough knowledge to make some of the statements made here it really shows your age, grow up.

The lead on the bottom with a very short or no leader 12-18" up is not a snag rig.. its the best way to catch sturgeon while plunking imo. I have done it plenty and never once snagged a fish with a rig like this. Its the ONLY rig used at Bonny because of the deep rock crevasses. Your rig will work, but not as well... your rig is a proper boat rig when you can be on top of the fish.

I am not saying you didn't see what you saw but calling everyone who ties up different than you a snagger is just childish and ignorant.

It`s ok to be ticked about snaggers. Go on boy, say it loud.:clap: Did ya read the article or just get mad cause it`s how you rig. I`ve rigged like that up at the dam, it`s ligit. I don`t think he was at the dam.
Yes I read it, fact I just read it again and it confirms what I am saying. They officers issued only a few tickets for 65-70 poles... pretty good I would say. Again, it sounds like TB has mistaken a legit rig (used in most places, not just bonny) as a snaggers tool. He himself said it was his first time banking it for sturgeon so mabey he should educate himself a bit. Down with snaggers??? Hell yes, just be carefull where you point that thing... there are a lot of honest sportsman using that very rig.
I think his point was that fisherman in this particular spot use a legit rig TO snag seeing as it is extremely shallow and provides the opportunity.
Yes I read it, fact I just read it again and it confirms what I am saying. They officers issued only a few tickets for 65-70 poles... pretty good I would say. Again, it sounds like TB has mistaken a legit rig (used in most places, not just bonny) as a snaggers tool. He himself said it was his first time banking it for sturgeon so mabey he should educate himself a bit. Down with snaggers??? Hell yes, just be carefull where you point that thing... there are a lot of honest sportsman using that very rig.

It`s ok buddy, everything will be ok.
Although he's among the youngest members of this forum, out of his nearly 3000 posts TB has contributed more productive ones then not. He only made a slight error in observation. Don't be so hard on the guy.:cool:
I was sturgeon fishing once a couple years ago in your great state and we got into a bunch of them. We all went home with a legal keeper. I must have caught more than a dozen shakers that day. I could feel them swimming over my line, too. We never snagged one but I imagine it could be possible in a school like that. TB didn't say if the guy kept that one or released it. That to me would define wether or not he was a snagger.
Happy Easter everyone.
Seen just about every kind of freshwater fish available here snagged at one time or another and have fowl hooked a few fish .It s what you do after you realize they are not a legit catch that defines you as a fisherman . It never makes me happy to see a person deliberately snagging fish "usually ignoring many other regs I might add " so heck ya young one sound the alarm I second the B.S. call not on the rig on the snaggers. Saw that same group off I 84, and on the Wa side looked like an even worse carnival of yahoos, just a ways up stream .Seen more than a few geographical anomilies that gathered fish pummeled combat style elbow to elbow sorry not my cup of tea but must remember if open and if regs are followed to each his own!
Sounds kind of like why me and a lot of the people I fish with wont even bother with the Dexter dam area on the Willie. Up there its just to much elbow to elbow and I would believe at least 75% of the people fishing are snagging legit according to the laws.I know it as flossing as many others do when your just dragging your leader threw the fishes mouth then hooking them on the outside corner of the mouth.Legit yes but not to ethical around me.Yes it happens from time to time with most people who fish enough but when you tie on that 10 foot leader it makes it pretty obvieous of your intentions.
dtikey said:
Sounds kind of like why me and a lot of the people I fish with wont even bother with the Dexter dam area on the Willie. Up there its just to much elbow to elbow and I would believe at least 75% of the people fishing are snagging legit according to the laws.I know it as flossing as many others do when your just dragging your leader threw the fishes mouth then hooking them on the outside corner of the mouth.Legit yes but not to ethical around me.Yes it happens from time to time with most people who fish enough but when you tie on that 10 foot leader it makes it pretty obvieous of your intentions.
There is a definition/name for those type of people and fisherman just dont "oops doesn't " seem appropriate!
i foul hook quite a few sturgeon from my boat. by "quite a few" i mean that it seems like we usually end up dragging one up that has been hooked about mid body at least once a trip. They always seem to be medium sized shakers. never foul hooked a keeper.

i have heard, and maybe someone can validate this for me, that when the fish are lethargic and not actively feeding, but find a yummy morsel that they think they might want for later. that they will actually lay on the food to keep other fish from getting it until they decide they want it for themselves. hence, when you set the hook on what you think is a soft bite, you end up hooking the "little" bugger in the side.

FYI - i am using a standard boat set up. nothing out of the ordinary about my rig.
I have to agree with GraphiteZen. I am in no way saying that only bad people use this rig because it snags fish. I mean they were using it to snag and as far as I know Sturgeon dont bite bare hooks.
I guess where there is fish or an opportunity there will be snaggers. Much like Bonnie Lure w/ those guys all decked out in waders with polarized shades snagging the spooked fish in the swimming pool sized hole with 12 others yahoos doing the same thing. I wonder if those guys snagging the sturgeon are selling the caviar too:think: There is money in that so that might be why. Well TB your frustration is justified, but just lead by example and your generation will appreciate the knowledge you pass along. It seems like you gravitate towards the good guys anyway so just keep at it and I think you will fulfill all of your goals for 2010:D
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I was there on Sat.

I was there on Sat.

I went to that spot last Sat. Couldn't believe how many fish were being caught.
Clearly, a lot of people were snagging. I figure I would catch more fishing ligit than doing what they were doing, but then again I have never snagged a fish on purpose in my life. It must be a true (black) art form!
Is there any reason I should be concerned about the ethical responsibility of fishing this spot, using legal methods?? Monroe's article makes me feel dirty, even though I fish ligit.
I would have to say that if you were doing it the right way then you should not feel "dirty".Maybe you might feel that way as a witness but turned your head.But if thats the case then you shouldnt feel bad either because everybody has one time or another.I have stood up for ethics and also looked the other way when out numbered as bad as you guys say it is there.I have never been there but have seen that crap other places.So as long as you take it upon yourself to set examples the correct way and maybe even teach a few others you will always be in the rite.
Not to hijack this thread or anything, but does any body know if the fishing is good there right now, like this weekend? And do you think I would do any good fishing the main park, not the nude beach to stay away from the snaggers?
TB, I owe you an appology. I stand by my points made but I came off like a richard and shouldnt have.

You are doing the right thing by fishing ethicly the way you know how. When I was your age confrontation might have been my advise but these days you never know what some nut is going to do so I say just observe and report is appropriate. Be an example, I have been in places where snaggers are the norm and it sucks... the special days when you out fish the outlaws while fishing legit will make you feel great and make them feel as smalll as they are.
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Its fine. We can all be a johnson at times.

Moe; The only fishing is in the slough and the sturgeon are gone by now. There only in there for a few weeks in march..

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