8/23 Buoy 10 fishing With Marvin

Well-known member
We had a family fishing day at Buoy 10 last Saturday. Since my wife retired last year she has been getting more and more interested in fishing. She did great at kokanee last spring and we took a couple of guided trips to the McKenzie where she managed three steelhead but salmon eluded us. I made the good move to book a trip with Marvin's Guide Service right away to get her into a salmon and we were able to get her brother and our son along also. My son and I had been out with Marvin three years ago so there was no question who we wanted to fish with.

It was overcast and choppy to start with and I am pretty notorious for getting sick so I was a bit queasy the first few hours. I lost a fish at the net right away but it wasn't long until our son hooked up the first time with a wild coho.


Soon was my brother-in-law's turn with a big keeper coho, Marvin's biggest of the season , he said.


Marvin introduced the fish to his little friend, Tonya Harding.


The fish box was starting to fill up.


By lunch we had caught about eight fish and three were keepers. There seemed to be plenty of wild coho and we also got a couple of Chinook jacks that were an inch shy of being legal. Everybody had caught two or three fish except my wife who had not even had a bite even though she was in the same seat using the spinner that had been the hot ticket the day before. I intended to hand off the rod on my second fish but, right away, I was tangled in my son's line and we had to do some fast choreography in the back of the boat to keep from loosing it. As we were eating lunch, Marvin and my wife were engaging in some banter about how to change her luck by biting the head off a herring. It went on and on but (who knew she would really do it!!) she jumped up and walked back to Marvin who handed her the herring and she chomped the head off and spit it out and flung the rest over the side. I couldn't believe my eyes. After some spitting and high-fiving Marvin, she returned to her seat. Now , I am not lying about this, after that she had her first fish on in less than one minute! We've got witnesses! It turned out to be a wild coho but, at least she scored her first salmon ever.

The afternoon wore on and we continued to hook up now and then. I lost count but I think we had about a dozen fish to the boat and ended up with five keepers and only lost two all day. Four were coho and my wife's second fish ,a Chinook in the mid-20's, the biggest fish of the day.



I hope we get to do this next year. Thanks Marvin for getting us into some great fishing and especially my wife's first couple of salmon.
Congrats to your wife, chomping and catching a beaut of a brute! :thumb: That is what I call a day of catching! :hi:
Good going, interesting way to induce some strikes, but I'll stick to cutting the heads off with a knife!

Take care,
ps. How big was that coho? It looks HUGE!
eugene1 said:
ps. How big was that coho? It looks HUGE!

We did not weigh anything but we figured it was in the mid-teens. Most of the fish we got were the size of the ones my son and I are holding. I got over my seasickness once we started catching fish- funny how that works.

Didn't Jeanna Jigs bite the head off a herring one time? That was the first time I heard of that ritual.
C_Run said:
Didn't Jeanna Jigs bite the head off a herring one time? That was the first time I heard of that ritual.
She did indeed! I don't believe she had the same results as your wife, though. And, she was spitting nastiness for a week! :lol:
Sounds awesome, glad you all had a good time
c_run said:
marvin introduced the fish to his little friend, tonya harding.


I'll eat a herring raw if that can get me a Salmon, still peepeed with that sea lion that stole my fish. I'm trying to work out a date with Marvin, really eager for another go at it.
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Congrats on the great day and kudos to your wife for taking the bite...

Nearly everyone I ever fished with here in Cali has eaten the heart of their first tuna... Is that a ritual done in the Oregon area?? I was lucky my first ever tuna was small and it's heart was not too big... LOL...
Right on guys! I think we fished by you guys (well, you and 5000 other of my closest friends). Those are some beautiful fish. I was not as fortunate as you guys. Lost pretty much every single one of mine at the boat both days. A friend of mine took home a nice nook and my fiance's sister c&r'd a wild silver.
What a great report. Congrats to all.

We need to start talking about a rendezvous down south again Chris.
Thanks for looking , folks.

Coastal Moe- I never heard that about eating the tuna hearts. I missed my chance having only caught one tuna in my life. You're going to like living on the coast and you are getting here just in time for great fall fishing. Welcome to Oregon.

Autofisher- It's fishing, I guess. We spent four days trolling spinners and herring on the Siletz the past couple of weeks with not one bite so this trip was a good way to turn things around for us. Our friend emailed me that they had limited their boat on large coho at Illwaco by 9:00 AM the same day we went on our trip. I was glad to get to ask Marvin questions and observe the way he does things or I'd be completely lost.

Jamie-I hope we can meet up down south again. Keep in touch.

We ended up with over 30# of nice fillets plus enough bellies, tails, and collars to fill the Little Chief twice.



The fish are going to be moving upstream and so is Marvin. He also runs trip at Tillamook. I really recommend him and he knocks a few bucks off his fee for OFF members which is a nice gesture and I hope to be fishing with him again.

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