I recently picked up an old (circa 1960s I believe) Wright & McGill 7 weight 8'6" fly rods. I already had an old Bronson Royalist fly reel of unknown weight class which I have attached to the rod. Both are in decent shape and are probably fishable.
I have two 8 weight fly outfits, so I really don't NEED a 7 weight rod. I do want to fish this rod just for the heck of it. Can I spool it with 4 or 5 weight line with out incurring major problems? I know, I'd be better off with 7 weight but I will use it more if it has a lower weight line.
Any advice from experts out there.
When I brought the rod home, my mother in law and sister in law were visiting. They are NOT an "outdoorsy" family. The mother in law asked my wife "Why does Stan need another fishing pole?" My wife just laughed and said, "Stan's an antique fisherman, so he likes to acquire antique fishing gear.
I have two 8 weight fly outfits, so I really don't NEED a 7 weight rod. I do want to fish this rod just for the heck of it. Can I spool it with 4 or 5 weight line with out incurring major problems? I know, I'd be better off with 7 weight but I will use it more if it has a lower weight line.
Any advice from experts out there.
When I brought the rod home, my mother in law and sister in law were visiting. They are NOT an "outdoorsy" family. The mother in law asked my wife "Why does Stan need another fishing pole?" My wife just laughed and said, "Stan's an antique fisherman, so he likes to acquire antique fishing gear.