30ft of bank!

Well-known member
Look at all of this crap my other half picked up in about 30 minutes while she took a break from whooping on fish.
It is really truly disgusting that so many of the "sportsmen" in oregon are such terrible slobs. talk about utter lack of respect and consideration. What the hell is wrong with so many, just dropping any line clippings or packaging wherever they are standing.
You packed it in, put it in your damn pockets and take it out with you!! Even those 2" pieces you clip after tying your knots.

This is a big part of the reason there is so little publically accessable water left in comparison to years past - all of the land owners are sick and tired of their property looking like this!! This was on private property, highly tresspassed on property, and the owner does not even fish so it obviously isn't his. Just a matter of time before he doesn't let anyone fish there anymore either, just like so many other good spots.

She hardly made a dent is the sad part.


Clean up after yourselves damnit!!!
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Dear Lord

Dear Lord

I can't believe how disgusting people can be. I know that I'm guilty of line clippings (my mom always yells at me), but the whole crap shoot like that is pretty foul. I have to apologize about my mistreatment of the banks that we all share. And I'll do my part.
Please tell her thank you.
That is crap! No excuse! A friend and I walked down to Warrendale to check out the action the other day... I dont think I could fish there after seeing all the shoot laying around. Dont people realize that when the water rises its going right into our rivers?

I always take at least a grocery bag but usually a garbage bag of garbage out with me. Its a good practice to get into guys and only takes a few minutes to fill.

As many slobs as there are out there I think there are a lot that care too. If the real sportsman started taking a small bag of junk out each time I think the banks would be pretty clean. My oldest son has been doing it with me so long he just thinks that is part of fishing, it should be.
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Thank both of you...

Thank both of you...

Good stewardship is in short supply as of late, but because of anglers like your selves we few do get to hit those spots...Thanks again.:clap::clap::clap:

OFF Clean up

OFF Clean up

I wonder, since we can all show up out of nowhere to do some fishing....Why can't we all show up and do some clean up. Get all together and spread out along the bank and start packin bags full of stuff for about an hour or so and then hit the water for some fishing. Just a suggestion.
Something we definitely need to do at Cedar Creek... I wondered last year if I was fishing for trash or coho, they were just about the same amount! :mad:
That kind of behavior never ceases to amaze me. When I fish Dodge Park, I always end the day picking up the junk on the beach. I carry a rake in my truck, man does that save my back!
Good for you and yours, Osmo. There are far too many slobs out there. And an organized OFF cleanup is always a good thing. Those of us who pick up the junk to help, kudos to you too.
Especially all those beer bottles/cans at riverside park... tossed as much as I could into the bag until it disgusted me too much
good on yah OS.
I pick up a bag of trash every time I go out... and I only bank fish from public access sections (unless I can hike below the high water line)

I filled a small kitchen garbage bag full of line, lead, random tackle, cans and paper from Mciver yesterday (mostly cans/bottles)

what really pisses me off, is the fact that you don't have to even pack you garbage out.
just take it to the parking lot and the city will take care of it.
pretty sad

I am curious to see how much trash is removed from the clac during the clean up in a few weeks.
Your Proposal Is Accepted

Your Proposal Is Accepted

imfishing, Standing By.

I will answer the distinguished member Autofisher's call for clean-up personnel.

Please reserve me a spot in the front.

The clean up should take place right in front of the flossers...while they're flossing.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve..."Say When".

Makes me sick and Angry...F'ing Locusts. [Pardon me did I type that out loud...Gasp]

I will start packing out the OD [Other Dirt-bags] trash.

At Least One Small Trash Bag Per Outing.

Maybe I could stand a post and watch with field glasses.

Then when I see some one litter...Run over there to them and then <Whooshing Sound and then Smack Noise>, Yelling "YOUR NOT THINKING WITH YOUR FISH POLE JIMMY!", As I "gently" whip their leg.

Kind of like that Oil Commercial with that dip stick dude. I'll Do It!...Oh Yea!...Oh Yea!

Put Me In Coach!

But I Digress.
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I'm still picking up loads of trash...

I'm still picking up loads of trash...

It's just amazing -- it's endless. 2 six packs of cans and bottles, line strung out along the bank, more sandals, yarn, tin can (corn), paper sack with assorted trash...:( ...come to think of it :mad:
When i went to the wilson last week i packed out 2 garbage bags full of empties from people camping and fishing along the river. Mixed in was a good deal of old fishing gear, but these i dont think were clippings/cuts. They were close to the water so i think they were snags that were at one time unreachable, at least thats what the lead on them seemed to tell me.

Cheers to those of us who do our part.
I was honestly shocked....

I was honestly shocked....

When I was down at the 101 hole on the Salmon, there were bags already set up for us to throw our waste in. And surprisingly enough, there were a ton of people using them. I couldn't believe it. Even the old local fisherman were policing themselves. The funniest part was the fact that when new people came down, whether they knew them or not, they'd tell them first that there was no snagging allowed and to clean up after themselves. Kind of shocking to me. Made me feel good

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