1971 Evinrude Sportwin

ok so i got the motor, and i got it on the boat and the weather turned bad. ok i can deal with that. here's my thing, i cannot figure out what to push, pull or prod to tilt the motor up so i can trailer it. i think its that little flat lever on left side (standing behind the boat), but that does not seem to work. any ideas of what i am missing? i feel like a idiot.
Is there a small lever at the front, between the clampy arms that you attached to the boat?
If there is, thats the lever than unlocks the thingy thats stopping you from raising the engine.
I think it needs to be in 'neutral', or 'shift' too.

checked my '78 rude, yup thats the lever, and mine can't raise unless handle selector is in 'shift' position.
well i trotted right out there and tried the stubby level and nothing- feels like the lever isn't doing much. so i got rambuncious and took the motor off the boat laid it on the grass and released it that way. found the little cable that does all the work and it looks like its a wee bit too loose. onward from there... i can't seem to get the throttle to move. not sure where everything needs to be for that to happen. i know there is some weird combo of things i need to do, but sure dont know what they are. i appreciate the quick response and am hoping for more. i have a feeling the sun will be coming out soon and gee whiz i want to be ready for it. i just ordered the manual for it from the library- they have to see if a Texas library will loan it to us- lets hope!!!
Throttle wont twist?
You should take some detailed photos of the motor so we can help out a bit. And what he said?????????????
In order to use the throttle the shift lever might need to be in neutral.
nope, throttle wont twist- tried slipping into both forward adn reverse to check that and neutral as well- there will be no throttle twisting at this time.
T4L- i still cannot figure out how to upload pictures here.
Rain- thanks i had checked there and i didn't get anywhere. and the more i type the more i feel a bit foolish. if the weather is going to keep up its bad behavior i might just run it down to the guy i bought it from. he's a good guy and i'll be surprised if he wont help me. i really didn't think it would be this difficult.
If you can't twist the trottle you have a BIG problem. Hopefully the guy you boaught it from can show you how it works. Did you see it run at all or are you taking his word for it? Too bad you live so far or I would come over and try to help. Something just doesn't seem right about this motor.
took it back down to him- we all fiddled with it and scratched our heads together. he took off the flywheel and after some more head scratching put some oil down the main shaft. and to make a long story short, its loosening- we'll go pick it up again later today- fingers crossed everybody!!!
got it back. the throttle is better. the shaft under the fly wheel was stuck / rusty. so much 3 in 1 oil later and some sweat assitance its functional. will look at a book later to use the actual part names so it makes more snse. lets all hope for decent weather and good run on the water tomorrow!!

thank yuo all for the help- it is all truly appreciated!! thank you
Shadelady said:
got it back. the throttle is better. the shaft under the fly wheel was stuck / rusty. so much 3 in 1 oil later and some sweat assitance its functional. will look at a book later to use the actual part names so it makes more snse. lets all hope for decent weather and good run on the water tomorrow!!

thank yuo all for the help- it is all truly appreciated!! thank you

You may want to make sure its working 100% before taking it out on the water, otherwise you may have a long row ahead of you.
so we took it out. putted into the wind nice and smooth. my GF wanted to drive, sure thing, switch seats. she starts off with it and a few seconds later the motor races and but no power to the prop. try shifting it a few times, nothing. row back to the dock, load up. bring it home, read manual, read manual, swear, spit, stomp. borrow a clean trash barrel, try it again. looks good. back over to the water. starts right up, goes no where. load back up, swear, spit, stomp.
its going back tomorrow.

onward. is anyone selling a 8-10 hp outbard that actually runs well?

not happy.
you need to get your money back
bigsteel- thats the plan. lets hope its not a rodeo. the guy i bought from is really cool and i dont anticipate a problem.
I think Andy (Thuggin4life) still has his for sale. He'll do right by you and make sure it's all good.
I mite be wrong but i think Andy sold his extra motors.

so i walk in with my head hung and tell them what happened (i bought it from a shop) theres a customer in there and both he and the guy i bought it from both said it was the shear pin . so they head out and pull the prop right off and sure enough the shear pin was in about 6 little pieces. he pulls the hood off, snags a pin, puts it in and puts it all back together. he then advised me to keep spares on the motor / boat. so its back ome with me. looking at the weather reports i wont be able to give a go for a week or so. will post again when i get a real chance to test it.

on a seperate note, i put in a application with the casino- this is my 5th time trying.... here's to hoping.
Sorry If I would have checked the thread sooner I could have told ya it was a shear pin or on a splined prop the rubber gromet thing. No sold all my extras I had 3 and one boat at one point in time. Now that you got a few pins keep one in the boat or tackle box wit hthe tools you will need to replace it. Good luck with the job. Can't wait to hear how it runs now with the prop spinning.
on a shear pin drive always carry a spare or 5... they will randomly fail for no reason at all and also carry a spare prop because they are known for chewing up the pin slots when they fail at speed..
ok we got the boat and motor out today- what a perfect day. looked a bit windy but we went for it and turned out great. the motor is a rock star. started up easily (given it age). i am too big of a baby to rip it wide open- the water was rough, but we scooted around just fine. had a great time. i didn't even care about catching. we caught 5 nice troust using powerbait eggs, we only came hope with 2 as we had the stringer tied around an oar and it slipped off. talk about feeling badly.
anyhow, was a wonderful day!!

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