Recent content by TheKnigit

  1. TheKnigit

    HELP, Landowner Blocking Historical Access Point to the Miami River, How To Proceed

    I apologize for the long post. I am fully on Snopro's side of the fence on this. I see way to many land owners blocking off access to what should be public ground. Whether it is land or stream, it happens way to often. However, I do believe that this is going to be a potentially long and slow...
  2. TheKnigit

    Sweet Home & Lebanon file a lawsuit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    I wondered when something like this was going to happen.
  3. TheKnigit

    Frustrated but hopeful, seeking generous OR advice

    It all depends on how you want to fish. Most times of the year you can swing streamers, nymphs, or dries and end up with an interested fish. You will need to double check the regs on the bodies of water that you fish at. Some waters have very specific rules such as the fly fishing only area of...
  4. TheKnigit

    Frustrated but hopeful, seeking generous OR advice

    Once you get above Farewell Bend Campground and Foster Creek it starts to shrink down a little bit more. There is definitely a decent stretch of the upper Rogue that is very fast and hard to fish around natural bridge and the gorge. You might also look at the Middle Fork of the Rogue and all of...
  5. TheKnigit

    Frustrated but hopeful, seeking generous OR advice

    I completely believe that what you are searching for can be found here. Some of the issues that you might be having with searching for trout fishing might be semantics. The way I understand it, we don't have very many "wild rainbow" trout in our streams especially west of the cascades. All of...
  6. TheKnigit

    Fall Bear ‘24

    At least you are seeing some promising critters for the future! With the way that life fell this summer I didn't even get to set up my cameras like I was wanting to.
  7. TheKnigit

    Good "WADING" flyfishing trout rivers?

    I didn't see these rivers listed, but if you are still considering Klamath County there is the Williamson and the Sprague Rivers that both have some good wade-able sections.
  8. TheKnigit

    Trout Fishing Help

    I will second @troutdude's suggestion for a creek this time of year. You have a lot of small creek's in your area that should still be cold and flowing well. Some of the upper stretches of the Rouge can be fantastic this time of year.
  9. TheKnigit

    Fall Bear ‘24

    I am not sure that I am going to get out for fall bear specifically, but I am most definitely ready for hunting season. Good luck!
  10. TheKnigit

    Oregon Aquaculture Survey

    The survey was easy to fill out. I share the same opinion and concern as rogerdodger though. There were a couple of questions where it would have been nice to have a "it depends on the species and situation" option.
  11. TheKnigit

    Clam harvesting closures!

    I received an email from ODFW on Saturday that says some of the shellfish has opened back up. Muscles are still closed state wide. Here is what the email listed. Current harvest closures and openings: Razor clams: Open from Washington border to Yachats River. Closed from Yachats River to Coos...
  12. TheKnigit

    returning fisher, new waters

    Another vote for the elk hair caddis fly. This time of year I am a huge fan of almost any variation of the Orange Stimulator fly for lakes and rivers in the alpine region of the Cascades. I am not sure where you are located, but if you can get to the Cascades almost every single creek and...
  13. TheKnigit

    2024 Seed numbers

    I enjoy looking at the seed numbers every year simply for grins and giggles. It has never actually helped me predict whether or not I drew a tag, but I think the math is fun and it means we are one step closer to hunting season. Good luck drawing the doe tag! I don't have enough points for...
  14. TheKnigit

    2024 Seed numbers

    Seed numbers were officially drawn yesterday. Unless I get extremely lucky I don't think I am drawing anything this year. We are getting closer to official draw day. Good luck to everyone.
  15. TheKnigit

    Free fishing weekend

    About what size of group are you trying to take? I would say just about any park on a stocked pond would be a fairly good bet. Most places like that seem to have a decent population of panfish, and maybe some bass, along with the stocked trout.
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