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      thehudtodd replied to the thread October Salmon.
      I've been fishing upstream, maybe it's time to try Oxbow. Where are the ODFW markers for the closed Chinook spawning area, in relation...
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      thehudtodd reacted to cchinook's post in the thread October Salmon with Like Like.
      It was dead today , but I got to freeze my ass off this morning at Oxbow. I feel lucky with the 6 hens that I got .
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      thehudtodd replied to the thread October Salmon.
      I am also new to salmon fishing - sort of. I used to fish for salmon/steelhead in the Great Lakes, like 25+ years ago. It's the same but...
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      thehudtodd replied to the thread Lure colors for October..
      A few weeks ago, I tried a plain Mepps Anglia #5 as my hail Mary when nothing was interested in my skein. Immediately got a coho. I used...
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      thehudtodd replied to the thread Sandy.
      I was out Saturday, downstream from Dodge. Nothing wanted to even nibble on my skein. I caught a jack on a spinner, but that was it. I...
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