Recent content by SiletzTroutKiller

  1. SiletzTroutKiller

    Fall Bear ‘24

    If you’re already seeing them during day light stake out a spot they hangout and keep wind in your favor. Punch em through the lungs with any deer caliber sized rifle and they’ll die fast. Even a .243 will kill one if you’re accurate enough
  2. SiletzTroutKiller

    Fall Bear ‘24

    I’ve located quite a few bucks already this bear season, and the elk herd I’m most likely going to hunt is on the right side of the drainage but will most likely move a lot before November lol. Still have yet to put a bear in the crosshairs this season but it’s early
  3. SiletzTroutKiller

    Fall Bear ‘24

    Anyone else rip roaring ready to hunt? Or get out today (opening day)? I won’t be out until Sunday morning but I’ll be hunting hard. Hopefully relocate a giant jet black I saw last summer before fire season locked me out. Wouldn’t mind connecting with the chocolate color phase I saw a couple...
  4. SiletzTroutKiller

    Alsea river fishing

    I got married at River’s Edge almost 7 years ago! There’s some decent trout riffles right there at the campground/park. Good thing about Alsea is 90% of it you can see from the highway. Drive up and down and look for deep pools and riffles from the road. Not a lot of cutthroat in that river but...
  5. SiletzTroutKiller

    Trout on thomas creek scio - jordan

    Drove passed there the other day from Lyons to Scio (I live outside Lebanon). It looked like good trout water to me! I might give it a try this summer
  6. SiletzTroutKiller

    2024 Seed numbers

    I looked at Seed numbers once a couple/few years ago and was saddened lol so I don’t look at them. I always wait for draw day to be surprised or disappointed lol Preference points wise I should draw my doe tag though.
  7. SiletzTroutKiller

    Small backpacking radio

    Garmin In-Reach for poor to no cellular reception if you need a way to communicate. As for AM/FM I’m no help
  8. SiletzTroutKiller

    Possible Public Access and Gov not Doing their Jobs

    Dang I’m sorry now I feel like a D-Bag. I’ve rarely had to deal with tracks but I do happen to work for a particular company that is known for land locking public, I’ll leave it at that. Plus I’ve come across private owners who didn’t want to honor easements. That was fun. However I found...
  9. SiletzTroutKiller

    Possible Public Access and Gov not Doing their Jobs

    Facetious answer. Cute. I’m curious on how to feel about the land closures 🤔
  10. SiletzTroutKiller

    Possible Public Access and Gov not Doing their Jobs

    This entire thread may have been pre-mature. Apparently lots of canyon ground is reopening this year. Maybe I shoulda done my research before complaining. If they don’t actually reopen it, I’ll be back to complain some more.
  11. SiletzTroutKiller

    Legendary Oregon Blueback fisherman's magazine article

    I wonder if he’s related to the Borden’s I know from Siletz. The few I know never mentioned Bob but it’s too close a coincidence I think
  12. SiletzTroutKiller

    Possible Public Access and Gov not Doing their Jobs

    I should have been more clear. COVID itself isn’t slowing down the reopening of public land, unless the counties and USFS are still extremely understaffed. But during COVID everything with involving the gov. of both high and low importance was slowed down. Now we’re 4 years post fires and 1-3...
  13. SiletzTroutKiller

    Legendary Oregon Blueback fisherman's magazine article

    I always knew who Bob was I did NOT know he was from Siletz! I literally grew up on Old River Road! Bad ass!
  14. SiletzTroutKiller

    Possible Public Access and Gov not Doing their Jobs

    Two Part Thread incoming: Part 1. Last October I moved from the coast range to the cascades (East Linn co.) and was curious as to if anyone knew why or when the burned areas of National Forest will be open to recreational activities in Linn and Marion county? I obviously would love to hunt the...
  15. SiletzTroutKiller

    2023 Rifle Bucks

    I’ve killed quite a few animals in the Stott. Used to be top tier Blacktail hunting before the mountain lion population exploded. I’ve never called one in but you can use rattling antlers and/or a can call. I’ve killed 90% of my Blacktail by hiking in behind a gate and glassing steep canyons.
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