Anyone been catching trout at Henry Hagg Lake lately? I would like to take a grandson this weekend and it would be great for him to catch a fish.
Thank you
I just bought a bunch of Kokanee lures that I hope will work. Where can I go that will give me a chance at larger Kokanee or trout? Green Peter was fun but I need some bigger fish.
Not a Kokanee virgin anymore. Once I found the fish at GP it was game on. I had never fished over such numbers before. Hootchies, wedding rings, spin-n-glo's and others caught fish. All of them very small, brought enough home to fill the Little Chief..
I have never fished for them and am asking for any recommendations on where I should try. Detroit Lake, Green Peter, anywhere within a couple hours of Canby.
I have never fished Hagg Lake. I plan on taking the boat up there this coming weekend. Does anyone have recommendations of bait, style of fishing, etc. I know asking for locations is out of the question. Should I leave the boat home and bank fish somewhere? Please advise. Thank you