Recent content by plumbertom

  1. plumbertom

    Do you need a tag to catch and release steelhead?

    All anglers (regardless of age) need a valid Combined Angling Tag in possession to angle for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and halibut.
  2. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    Yeah, I like catfish as well. I've been a long time member of USCA (United States Catfish Asso.) going back to when it was the BOC (Brotherhood Of Cat fishermen). By everything I've been able to find out, catfish (I don't really consider Bullheads as catfish), are rare above the falls at Oregon...
  3. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    Clarify what you're asking. A quoted post would helpful to know of whom you are inquiring. I'm more that happy to supply everything I know about catfish in Oregon (admittedly limited). For years, I've said that cat fishers are the most helpful, gregarious people on the water. Many times I've...
  4. plumbertom

    Seems like something is missing.

    Just a quick note. I went to JCP yesterday. While I was there, I observed a few others out doing the same. After a couple of hours there, I had almost concluded that it hadn't been stocked. But as noon approached, One guy fishing from the pier caught a planter trout. Shortly afterward, I...
  5. plumbertom

    Seems like something is missing.

    As of this week, stocking is supposed to resume at JCP. I hope it does. My monthly fuel allowance for fishing is greatly depleted by running to A-B Park only to sit on the bank and watch the ducks and geese swim around. Not that just being out is so bad, especially when the weather is nice, but...
  6. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    I think that's Adair Village pond, more to the west/northwest of Albany. Right next to the ODFW office there. I've also read that channel cats are in there. There were at one time plants done at Bond Butte as well, although I've not read of any being caught there for a few years. But from...
  7. plumbertom

    Seems like something is missing.

    The last two weeks I've been to fish at Alton Baker Park, I haven't even gotten a single bite. Anybody know why the scheduled stocking were not done?
  8. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    Yeah, I always called it finger cotting because the first time I got some was from a nurse that was splinting a finger for me and that's what she called it.
  9. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    Next time, try stuffing finger cotting (medical supplies) with the chicken or calve's liver, then stitching the ends of the cotting closed before hooking it. The finger cotting will keep the liver from being torn apart but allow it to scent the water. All the finger cotting I've been able to...
  10. plumbertom

    Upper Willamette system catfish

    Nothing wrong with the size of those channels. They look to be about the right size for eaters. Now, when I lived down near the lower Colorado River, when targeting larger size channel in spots that produced smaller cats in good numbers, I would use big pieces (4'' x 4'' or larger) of beef...
  11. plumbertom

    I've been really wanting to go fish Stripers

    I'll keep that in mind for the next likely opportunity. I chose to forgo last night because of a lack of certainty about access. If I weren't having to go alone, I might be more confident, but a fall on the rocks while alone could prove disastrous to someone of my age.
  12. plumbertom

    I've been really wanting to go fish Stripers

    For some time, I've been contemplating driving down from Eugene to Smith River some evening to fish overnight from the shore for striped bass. At the moment, I'm thinking of trying to be in position Monday overnight for the 1:30 AM tide change and the outgoing tide. My choice of baits is usually...
  13. plumbertom

    Crabbing, fishing around Florence.

    I've crabbed Alsea Bay. Not a lot, but enough to have an idea about it. From the across from the boat launch to under the bridge and around the curve on the north shore going downstream are all good areas. 15' to 25' of water seems to be the best depth.
  14. plumbertom

    Crabbing, fishing around Florence.

    My crabbing at Florence tends to be in the area of the Coast Guard station. The 12 tower is a good area and the north shore. The south shore tends to get pretty shallow, and you can get grounded easy if you are fishing the outgoing tide. I also tend to fish around the tide change and if...
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