Recent content by PK Yi

  1. PK Yi

    Depoe Bay Docks missing?

    Thanks! Yea. Doing great. Hope everything is well with you too. We need to get out again.
  2. PK Yi

    Depoe Bay Docks missing?

    Thank you, all. We went anyways, no big issues. Had a blast!!
  3. PK Yi

    Depoe Bay Docks missing?

    Planning on heading out tomorrow out of DB. But a friend said the docks might be out. Anyone know if this is true? Are they repairing it?
  4. PK Yi

    Is Olalla Reservoir open as of April 7, 2021?

    Just got back from Olalla. Friend got 4 trout and 1 bullhead catfish. Odd to see a bullhead in that lake, but he caught it on a Brad's cut plug while we were trolling.
  5. PK Yi

    Willamette Lake Teacup page not loading

    Would love to do that. I'm in Oregon until 2/23, if our schedule align and the weather allows, then heck yea.
  6. PK Yi

    Willamette Lake Teacup page not loading Does anyone know if this page is coming back up? It's very useful in helping plan fishing trips, sad to see it taken down.
  7. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    Thanks. Sweet channel. Is there a particular spot out past the jetty that we are not allowed to set our pots? Or anywhere in open water is fine?
  8. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    Have you had any issue with theft leaving it unattended for that long? I've always been leery of that.
  9. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    Looking at the swell forecast, my only days are Tuesday or Wednesday.
  10. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    Yup, I got a GPS on my Humminbird Helix 7, it should let me pinpoint the area pretty well. Thanks for the info.
  11. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    16 foot. Looks to be good condition next week, and I hope to make it out.
  12. PK Yi

    Stone wall rock fishing?

    I'm thinking of hitting the stone wall for the first time just out of Newport. Is this place any good for rock fish?
  13. PK Yi

    Boat rentals in Charleston?

    Is there a place to rent a small boat in Charleston? Not a charter service, but a small skiff. I didn't find any with Google. Thanks.
  14. PK Yi

    Live herring for bait

    Has anyone tried using a cast net in the bays to catch herring for bait? What's the best time/month to catch them here?
  15. PK Yi

    2018 Weekly trout stocking schedule

    No Leaburg Lake or EE Wilson? hmm.....
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