Recent content by olshiftybiscuits

  1. O

    Wade fishing for trout in the Clackamas River?

    Hi Bob, I’m just south of 40 and even I find wading in our corner of Oregon to be really treacherous. I’m a former athlete with some knee issues, and have to be thoughtful and cautious about where I wade as a result. Unfortunately, I must admit that some of my worst falls wading have happened on...
  2. O

    Brown/brook trout

    Luckily it’s a compete fiction 😂.
  3. O

    Brown/brook trout

    Absolutely, yes. I had one eat a 16-inch rainbow off my line in a single mouthful last spring. You’d need a nine weight and musky flies to target them, but there are state record fish in that lake. I’ve seen them with my own eyes. It can be hard to find browns midsummer, when the lake has been...
  4. O

    Brown/brook trout

    Well that’s just some bad info - Harriet is full of browns, I catch them on every visit. You probably need to change up your technique.
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    HELP, Landowner Blocking Historical Access Point to the Miami River, How To Proceed

    I’ve tried to run this issue down with OSP and the local sheriff. First off, good luck ever getting an LEO to side against a land owner. Not going to happen. Police in small towns with low crime rates basically exist to protect private property for wealthy people. Without that symbiosis, they...
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    Aaron Mercer Reservoir update

    The vast majority of west side Willamette tribs are open year round for trout these days. Tualatin and tribs, Rickreall, Luckiamute, Little Luckiamute, north and south Yamhill and tribs. Pretty much every west side trib above Willamette Falls.
  7. O

    Upper middle fork of the Willamette

    I know this is an older thread, but wanted to provide some clarification here on the regs for the original poster. The section of river they're referring to (the Middle Fork Willamette) is not restricted to fly fishing only. The North Fork Middle Fork is a different stream, a tributary of the...
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    Hagg Lake

    Streams that are both open and productive are few and far between on the west side this time of year. Drive time from the Portland metro is an hour minimum, typically much more. Many of the year round streams nearby, like the Tualatin and Yamhill systems, only hold trout in their upper reaches...
  9. O

    Good "WADING" flyfishing trout rivers?

    Not to be glib, but if you put on a pair of old tennis shoes and try to wade into an Oregon river it may well be your last act. Wear wading boots with felt and spikes. As for places you can keep trout, check the stocking schedule and hit the lakes. Leave the stream trout be. They are...
  10. O

    Good "WADING" flyfishing trout rivers?

    To be perfectly honest, if I were retiring somewhere with the specific intention of trout fishing I wouldn’t give Oregon the time of day. Are there plenty of trout streams here that you can wade? Sure. Are there many that are easy to wade? No sir. This is one of the most brutally difficult and...
  11. O

    Middlefork Willamette river

    It’s a worthwhile destination and easy to find access. No special tricks needed this time of year, mayflies and caddis on top, and any variety of nymphs below. Wouldn’t be my first choice for spin fishing, but it’s a fantastic fly fishing river.
  12. O

    Snake river dam removal agreement

    Well, imagine getting past all those sea lions and then running into a wall someone built between you and your natal stream. Complex problems don’t have one solution. They require action on multiple fronts. People want to identify a single root cause because it means a single solution, and it...
  13. O

    Eugene fishing

    You’ll want to go a lot further downstream for walleye.
  14. O

    125 brood trout to be stocked in Blue Lake, but no access to them since the park is closed till spring

    Washington’s year long stocking schedule gives you the month to expect stocking. That’s barely helpful. If I don’t know the specific week, what good is that information for advanced planning? Again, I won’t actually know until after the deed is done. Other issues with the Washington yearly...
  15. O

    125 brood trout to be stocked in Blue Lake, but no access to them since the park is closed till spring

    Yeah that happens at all stocked urban lakes everywhere. Everyone has an equal opportunity to be first at the lake after it’s stocked. If the scene at these types of ponds makes you angry, I’d suggest branching out beyond waterbodies within earshot of a major highway.
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