Recent content by normf

  1. N

    . . . all time favorite . . .

    I recently bought an Eagle Claw 6’6” 3 wt. fiberglass fly rod on sale at Sportsmans Warehouse for $25. It casts great with a 4 wt. double taper fly line. I have more expensive fly rods but this one puts a smile on my face. Small stream cutthroat put a bend in it but it has enough backbone to...
  2. N

    Brown/brook trout

    If you do decide to fly fish the Orvis store in Lake Oswego might have a free Fly Fishing 101 class probably closer to spring.
  3. N

    Glass- 7’6” 3wt

    One of my favorite rod’s regardless of price is a fiberglass Cabelas CGR 7 ft, 4/5 wt. It casts well and feels like a 3 wt. with a fish on. I think I paid around $70. on sale. I also have a 5 ft. 9 in. 3 wt. that is fun to fish with .
  4. N

    Advice for pole(s)

    If you wanted to spend less and still get a great fly rod you might consider Echo. The company is based in Vancouver WA. I contacted them after I lost the tip section on my 2 wt. walking out through some brush. I drove to Vancouver and they gave me a new rod for the warranty fee of $30.
  5. N

    Advice for pole(s)

    As far as a 2 or 3 wt. rod goes I really like a fiberglass rod from Cabelas called CGR. For short to medium length casts and delicate presentations they are great. You need to slow your casting stroke a little with fiberglass. I think the 2 wt. is 6’6”. Perfect for small streams. On sale for $60...
  6. N

    New to Portland area. Not sure where to start.

    Lewis and Clark River east of Saddle Mountain Road might be open during winter. I fished it last year. Water was very low then.
  7. N

    Winter trout fishing within an hour of Portland?

    Lewis and Clark River upstream from Saddle Mt. Road is open. The water was low but I caught some Cutthroat in the deeper pools. Not a lot of action but it felt good to be out with a fly rod and a dry fly.
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