Recent content by NKlamerus

  1. NKlamerus

    Ford's Pond Fishing Reports

    Oh what used to be, I've been talking to their members on and off but to no avail, I'm all for ADA compliance and children's parks, but they have really ruined the fishery. The cities treated water passes tests but it wreaks of a chlorine pool and if should be obvious it's having an affect on...
  2. NKlamerus

    Junction City Pond.

    It is open, multiple reports on FB, don't think there was a lot done to it. But there was people fishing there yesterday and today
  3. NKlamerus

    Thick and Froggy

    Looks like they finally got off the smolt and moved on to crawdads, I'm going to miss it this weekend unfortunately, waiting on parts for the truck.
  4. NKlamerus

    Thick and Froggy

    Healthy fish recently, mostly on topwaters. Biggest one came on the frog, just over 5lbs, huge stomach, tiny head!
  5. NKlamerus

    Umpqua Smallies 2023 (Pic Heavy)

    Went back today for a healthy 3.94 and a double up on a donkey rig
  6. NKlamerus

    Umpqua Smallies 2023 (Pic Heavy)

    R River forks park usually, the rivers are low so it's a little tough to find a ramp thats still wet! Or that provides any decent fishable water
  7. NKlamerus

    Umpqua Smallies 2023 (Pic Heavy)

    More photos
  8. NKlamerus

    Umpqua Smallies 2023 (Pic Heavy)

    The spring fun is finally slowing down, easily hundreds of fish this year, never seen it before but the fish were chasing what I imagine is some kind of smolt. They absolutely will not touch any baits that don't resemble them, been a terrible year for the ned, Alabama rig, and jig Been focusing...
  9. NKlamerus

    Bond Butte Pond 2023

    Fishing has been great though, weeds aren't too terrible because the algae is so bad right now
  10. NKlamerus

    Bond Butte Pond 2023

    Well I lost my first Swimbait here a few weeks back, did everything I could to get it back but no success.
  11. NKlamerus

    Fish (Bait) Identification

    Never would have guessed but it does makes sense, now to match the hatch
  12. NKlamerus

    Fish (Bait) Identification

    The smallmouth are tearing up these small shad/shiners on the Umpqua but I'm not actually sure what they are. This years shad spawn but still juveniles? To me they look like a saltwater menhaden This is the only decent enough one to take a photo of, fish spit it up
  13. NKlamerus

    Bond Butte Pond 2023

    Had some luck last trip! Weeds are still surprisingly low
  14. NKlamerus

    Big K Memorial Day 2023

    Annual trip to big K lodge on the Umpqua! River this year was maybe 3-4' higher than usual, but the water was fairly clear. Fortunately/unfortunately the fish were spawning, I'd rather catch them post spawn, they are too distracted and shallow at the moment. Still busted 30-40 fish, and one...
  15. NKlamerus

    Went to West Kirk pond yesterday.

    Somewhere familiar! There is actually quite a few fish in the main Kirk pond, lots of crappie and bluegill posted from live nightcrawlers Cart sounds awesome, we use something very similar in Florida for fishing beaches and piers, cooler us usually the hardest thing to lug. Also seen some...
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