Recent content by frontierhistorian

  1. F

    Winter Camping and Fishing Along Oregon Coast Suggestions?

    Not far from you is Alder Dune Campground (nfs) and Alder Lake, really a pond, which has trout. Haven't camped in the winter, but if its open, it could make a nice overnighter.
  2. F

    Clackamas North Fork?

    Yes, I didn't get below Whiskey Creek, but assuming I could get that far, I expect better water and bigger fish. Remnants of a road on the stretch I was on, but the flat area north/northwest of the stream was running out pretty quick. Hope to go back, if for no other reason just to see how far...
  3. F

    Clackamas North Fork?

    I parked on NF 4610 right near the bridge across the North Fork. Level hiking -- an a trail -- for a few hundred yards downstream. Some nice holes here and there. Got as far as below Boyd Creek and turned back due to time; topographically, I could have gone further. But, yeah, little guys. Of...
  4. F

    Clackamas North Fork?

    Anyone have experience (fly) fishing here? I'm planning to explore some of the tributaries and streams for a bit more remote spots (but driveable) and wild trout. Looks like I can get to the north fork at confluence with Whiskey Creek. Just don't know if it's ridiculously small water for fishing...
  5. F

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Understandable that you want to use the stock of bait that you have, and I agree that the availability of artificial lures, flies, and various kinds of bait can be overwhelming. It will help to keep in mind that the difference between fly fishing and using a spinning or baitcasting setups is not...
  6. F

    Upper Nestucca (for beginners)?

    Thanks! I'll look for it! Any specific advice for the Nestucca? I was on there near the last day of the season hunting cutties, and had a passel of steelhead shoot up the river in a channel just a couple feet wide right at my feet. Incredible sight.
  7. F

    Upper Nestucca (for beginners)?

    As someone with nearly zero Steelhead experience and with a preference for the Nestucca (closest to me, where I like to fly fish in the summer), I'm wondering if anyone has advice for me bank fishing between Blaine and the deadline. In the first place, is it fishable to Steelhead (I know it's...
  8. F

    Breitenbush River trout fishing

    I was there late last month. Lot of snow I w on the ground and fast moving water. I parked at a bridge and tried nymphing on both sides with no bites. Of course, I'm a novice fly fisher.
  9. F

    Prineville Reservoir water level images

    The reservoir is right in the middle of Oregon's worst multi-year drought situation:
  10. F

    Sea-run cutthroat?

    At hwy 103? The river crosses 26 there and way upstream.
  11. F

    Sea-run cutthroat?

    Thanks for this! My understanding of the levels was that at lower levels, the water warmed and trout feeding substantially decreases as the fish hunker down in the deepest water they can.
  12. F

    Sea-run cutthroat?

    Haha. Well, I would otherwise say Siletz, Trask, Wilson, Nehalem, but many of these are running at 3 feet or lower with optimum fishing depth at 6 feet or so (the Nestucca, closest to me, is optimum between and 5 and 7 feet, I think, but is 3 something. The ODFW report for the Trask, if I...
  13. F

    Sea-run cutthroat?

    Where's a good spot for SRCs just now, especially in Northwest region? Siletz is supposed to be good, but it seems pretty low just now as are most of the other coastal rivers. How far up to the SRCs go when conditions are good?
  14. F

    Newberg area

    Hagg Lake is just 30 minutes away. It's stocked for trout and also serves as a good warm-water fishery (or so I hear -- I only fish for trout). you need a Washington county park permit. You can buy a one-day at the kiosk when you enter or an annual at the market just down the road from the...
  15. F

    Small streams near Hagg lake?

    I think the tribs are C&R. My kids report seeing decent size trout in Scoggins Creek. Been meaning to take my fly rod up their some time to give it a try, but other waters have beckoned first.
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