Recent content by FairweatherFisher

  1. FairweatherFisher

    The mouth of the Rogue was crowded this morning...

    But why? What’re they all chasing?
  2. FairweatherFisher

    Would I be better off getting a good inflatable boat to fish lakes and give up on the rivers and streams?

    I bought a Dave Scadden XTC3, and it’s been good to me this far. If I could do it again, though, I’d probably go with a Saturn. They seem about equal quality, and 1/3 the price. This one in particular has me kicking myself a little bit. (I have no affiliation with either company)...
  3. FairweatherFisher

    Paddling the Siuslaw

    Yeah, I’d never heard of them before this thread. I went and looked on the ODFW’s website about them, and it seems like July is a good time to go after them AND there shouldn’t be any salmon/steelhead runs (I don’t have that tag) so it sounds like a perfect time to go try this float.
  4. FairweatherFisher

    Paddling the Siuslaw

    Thank you for the advice! I hadn’t thought to consider the wind forecast. I’ll be in an inflatable raft, so it’d be a little harder to capsize, but nevertheless I’d rather not be fighting strong winds if I can avoid it.
  5. FairweatherFisher

    Paddling the Siuslaw

    Oh, then heck yeah I want to try to catch some! I was googling blueback fish and it was returning a herring lol.
  6. FairweatherFisher

    Paddling the Siuslaw

    Thanks, those are great suggestions!! One question….what’s a blueback?
  7. FairweatherFisher

    Paddling the Siuslaw

    Hey all, I’m interested in floating/paddling the Siuslaw between Mapleton & Florence this year. I recently found the Siuslaw Water Trail, which shows boat ramps, distances, and such. Seems simple enough. Looking on YouTube I’ve found a few videos of this trip, and it looks like very calm water...
  8. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Thanks for the advice! I was thinking to try going out into the middle of the water and anchoring. Sounds like that is NOT the way to do it hahaha.
  9. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Thanks, good to know what application it will work best for! Hoping to try it out on Dexter lake this weekend. Figure from the boat, rather than shore, I might stand a chance of attracting some fish?
  10. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    I did learn the roll cast, though I haven’t been able to get much distance out of it. My rod is a 7’ fiberglass 5wt, not sure if that makes a difference?
  11. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Most likely #2 & #3. It was a pretty brushy hillside I was on, and there were definitely a few snaps that I heard. Just couldn’t seem to get it to cast as far as I needed to get out of the eddy current, so I was letting out more line. Probably didn’t give it long enough to unfurl on the back cast.
  12. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Why? Because I have lots of it, and I don’t have many flies, and I know power bait floats the same as a fly would. I also know the hatchery fish here seem to like the yellow kind. This particular body of water is open to fishing year round. The distinction between bait, jigs, flies, etc. is one...
  13. FairweatherFisher

    Completely New to Fly Fishing

    Rather than waiting, I went down to the Alton Baker canal and tried it, and that’s exactly what happened. Well, actually the hook and PB went flying off. Then I tied in a fly, and that also went flying off after about a dozen casts. I’ve never had that happen on a spinning rod. I think I need...
  14. FairweatherFisher

    Coastal Fork Willamette/Mt. Pisgah

    Interesting! I’ve not floated that section of the Willamette before. I’m impressed that you did it in a sit on top kayak! When you say “chutes” what exactly are you meaning? Just the deepest channel through the rapids, or are there actual man made structures under the water?
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