Recent content by EOBOY

  1. EOBOY

    Where to get cured eggs for salmon fishing?

    ok, found it, I guess I don't post enough anymore.
  2. EOBOY

    ok, found it!

    As I was going to say; I've been watching Eagle cams around the country the one above is in Ft. Myers, I have a lot of family in hillsbourgh county near the Hillsbourgh river. Not looking good.
  3. EOBOY

    Where to get cured eggs for salmon fishing?

    well, there is no such button!
  4. EOBOY

    Where to get cured eggs for salmon fishing?

    how do you start a new post? May seem like a dumb question, but I can't figure it out. I don't see any button to start a new post WTF! Anyway check out this Eagle cam in florida storm is coming
  5. EOBOY

    Caught my first smallmouth! Columbia river slough outside Clatskanie.

    3 or 4 inch. I like the blue and green, the lip size tells you how deep it will run. I used to kill them at Rock Isl. on the willy.
  6. EOBOY

    Caught my first smallmouth! Columbia river slough outside Clatskanie.

    Get yourself some floating Rapala's, they are good for top feeders.
  7. EOBOY


    Dude you need to chill If I;'d known poking fun at the worst electric company in the nation would upset you so much, I may have done it sooner. Jeez I'm just kidding. Lighten up.
  8. EOBOY


    I think you just answered your own question. Let us know when they turn OFF your electric!
  9. EOBOY


    Get ready the Greenies are coming!!! Are you prepared? As Oregon’s climate changes, becoming more extreme, it increases the likelihood of power outages. If an outage happens, we’ll work as quickly as safety allows to get your power restored. By taking steps now to prepare, you can...
  10. EOBOY

    Bull heads

    Early in the 2000's I would go to Waycross Ga. every spring to an Army reuion, The guy who hosted it had 5 acres with 2 ponds. One was for crappie, Brem, and Bass. The other pond he would order a tanker of 600 Cats every spring. Morning and evening he would walk out on his little dock and...
  11. EOBOY

    Crab basics

    I think it is Months with an "R" in them!
  12. EOBOY

    Eastern Oregon creek sees first salmon spawn in 30 years

    My friend Terry lived in Pilot Rock and hated that wier! He passed in 2022 I'm sure he would be doing a jig. And my Dad who caught more SteelHead in the Umatilla river than you'd believe, was really upset when they buit it.
  13. EOBOY

    Tracker Pro 170 Vs Columbia River

    Go to goole maps and search rock island. It is south of the Tualitin river. About 1/2 way along rock island there is an island on the wext side. The south end of that island is is a great spot to catch a bunch using ned rigs. At the north end of rock island (notice there are differant...
  14. EOBOY

    ODFW Website

    I know Dude! I haven't been down that way since the Pandemic.
  15. EOBOY

    ODFW Website

    Oh Yeah, lived about 2 maybe 3 miles from it. Caught a LOT of Crappie there. Spent many a summer fishing the stream that came out of the Dam. That creek ran through all my friends property and then through ours. Loaded with trout in the summer.
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