Recent content by brandon4455

  1. brandon4455

    Aaron Mercer Reservoir update

    Rickreall creek out of all east slope coast range willamette tribs really has been in absolute terrible Shape from lack of oxygen and cool flowing water in the warmer months and there are better places for consistent trout fishing. I think this is also because the city of Dallas has nearly...
  2. brandon4455

    Wilson River Salmon Report

    I am telling you people need to stop blatantly perking their boats and walking through someone else’s land Willy nilly with absolutely zero respect or permission. I turned in several people last year and I will do so again this year and I will go beyond calling law enforcement if it continues...
  3. brandon4455

    Wilson River Salmon Report

    I have nothing to say about floating it other than people need to stay in their boats or in the water, and stop parking their floatables/ trespassing way way above the high water line into peoples fields and back yards. It’s ridiculous.
  4. brandon4455

    Wilson River Salmon Report

    The Miami is really low at the moment and could use a big shot of rain,more so than most of the surrounding rivers. I’d also like to note here there is no public access to fish on the lower Miami for chums. You have to get permission to fish anywhere on the river, even if you see others...
  5. brandon4455

    Would I be better off getting a good inflatable boat to fish lakes and give up on the rivers and streams?

    You’ll catch much bigger fish than 14-20 inches if you’re on the right lakes. And you’ll catch more fish. Stillwater trout fishing is unmatched in terms of fish size and productivity. The insects are much more fun to imitate as well. I grew up fishing small streams and coastal rivers for trout...
  6. brandon4455

    Odell Lake mackinaw fishing. Got one in the pontoon!

    Now it’s time to get one on a fly rod 😎
  7. brandon4455

    Odell Lake mackinaw fishing. Got one in the pontoon!

    Great fish! Good to see you’re still alive and well. Lake trout are the only trout/char in Oregon I’ve yet to catch, I’ll change that soon. I will add to this excellent throwback post from another long time member with my own. We were up at odell for the very first time a few weeks ago, new to...
  8. brandon4455

    ODFW Fall Coastal Salmon Update

    I can’t be overly greedy and say I really need more than a handful of chinook and a couple of coho for the fall. If I catch 2 in tillamook 2 in nestucca 2 in siletz plus a couple of bay cohos.. more than happy. Anything other than that I’m just upriver sport fishing without bait and turning...
  9. brandon4455

    Looking for camping/fishing spots on Schooner Creek.

    It’s gonna be a little further off from Mennonite than you’d think,down the road from the falls if you come in from hwy 18 side. which means it’s above the fishing deadline on schooner which is erickson creek. So it would be purely camping with no fishing opportunities
  10. brandon4455

    Looking for camping/fishing spots on Schooner Creek.

    It’s practically all private land and even then, tiny coastal watersheds.. you won’t find much info about online. I would be looking at the siletz river for camping and fishing prospects. The link TD posted, I even had no idea about and I frequent the area 😂
  11. brandon4455

    Steelhead 2023 show OFF

    My son and I have gotten into a good amount of fish this winter. Proud dad having him net fish for me all on his own. Wish I had more photos! A couple of our best days I had a dead cellular device. Been fortunate to put as many fish in the net as I have, some days we’ve been skunked some days...
  12. brandon4455

    What are the best streams/bait to go crawdading in coastal Oregon?

    I don’t think I’ve been to a single coastal river in Lincoln or tillamook county in the summer that doesn’t have an abundance of crawfish. My friends family camps yearly and they use a floatation device of some sort like a tiny cheap raft with a bucket and snorkel for them while they have the...
  13. brandon4455

    Tillamook cutthroat?

    I will second the info about cutthroat of all varieties being in the river all of trout season, and it varies on each stream. I have caught some very nice fresh sea runs on a handful of coastal rivers in June and July, some even with sea lice on them. This is very accurate information. Wet...
  14. brandon4455

    Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

    Not necessarily a fly. But been working on some pin & bead steelhead jigs. I prefer this over a nightmare
  15. brandon4455

    Trout ID- coast range stream

    May not be the same stream, but the fish sure do look similar in size 😂 All kidding aside, I’ve caught many, many cutthroats in dozens of drainages both coastal streams and willamette tribs where the fish have white tips on the fins I personally do not consider that an indicator of a rainbow...
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