Recent content by 4labs

  1. 4labs

    Odell 5/4/22

    We'll be out tomorrow (wed) at Dorena after 12pm in a friend's drift boat pulling plugs for planters Been out 5 times and limits every time in 2-3 hrs. Fish are 10-16" and getting fatter plus the meat is starting to orange up They didn't plant it for some reason with the numbers of past yrs still...
  2. 4labs

    Odell 5/4/22

    Odell has been real tough for me the past 2 yrs. Mark tons of fish and little to show. Haven't had a 30 fish day for some time The road to Paulina opens the 12th and Detroit will PU in a week For now Dorena has been a blast At least you caught some Macks Great report
  3. 4labs

    Rogue River - tips & places?

    Try Shady Cove from the bridge upstream a lot of bank access and good fly or spin. Better yet head above Lost creek dam and fish the headwaters of the rogue You'll need waders
  4. 4labs

    Water levels at Dorena and Cottage Grove

    And if that isn't enough Dorena and CG are schedule to be planted with 4-5000 "trophy" fish in late sept. early oct
  5. 4labs

    New shotgun recommendations

    3 or 31/2 Have shot the top 3 on my property trap shooting with friends and like benelli the most but Fred Zinc shoots the browning and he is the top waterfowler alive plus named his lab Maxis. I shoot benelli nova but I'm a pump guy. 31/2's will make you wish for a auto. The duck club I use...
  6. 4labs

    Lakes Galesville Reservoir 2021

    There are some monsters in there that push 5lbs+and over 25" I've caught most back by the buoys near the tree line You did great to catch 2 I didn't catch any last yr
  7. 4labs

    Lakes Galesville Reservoir 2021

    Great fish but those aren't koks but coho. Galesville is a coho population and they get a lot bigger than koks and taste a lot better plus they attack trout rigs Look up Galesville in ODFW southwest report
  8. 4labs

    Dorena or Cottage Grove Reservoirs reports?

    Dorena Fished it 2 times ===0 bites A big stocking this week they usually plant Friday or Sat. Saw a huge school by the dam with lockjaw 3 weeks ago If bank fisherman are stacked up at the ramp that's the place to be Straight across the ramp on the other side of the lake is a second ramp with a...
  9. 4labs

    Thread snippets

    I've given up on posting anything on this website due to the removal of numerous past reports. So why is this on Google and not on this form ?
  10. 4labs

    Walleye in Lookout Point Spring of 2020

    Last yr spotted 8-10 boats on the north side inc a guild sled all stacked up near the inlet or Willamette River in less than 30ft of water on my way to Wickiup in mid May. Watch any of the Walleye shows on TV and they hit almost anything near the bottom inc jigs and most any plug Plus some VERY...
  11. 4labs

    Lakes Henry Hagg Lake Fishing Reports

    Those are some great looking fish. Hagg is a bit past my range . Ready to hit Dorena soon
  12. 4labs

    Bandon South jetty

    Wind waves in the forecast are killer also. Didn't believe the forecast of 6ft wind waves and a 3ft sea out of Gold Beach and found myself in a 8ft plus combined swell 3 miles out in a open transom boat. Boat went sideways on me when I was fighting a ling and thought it was about to flip. No...
  13. 4labs

    Lakes Hills Creek Reservoir Fishing Reports

    Made it to HCR today for the first time. Yes its realllly low but launching at the ramp is easy and on pavement. Saw 3 boats We bank fished for the first time in 30yrs. Caught 2 14" on powerbait(mouse tail) and a chrome crocodile Only fin clipped rainbows are allowed to protect the bull trout...
  14. 4labs

    Bandon South jetty

    10-12ft seas are pretty dangerous off the jetty and the beach as well. Maybe crabbing off the public dock but a lot of fresh water may make crabbing a bust. The bay on the north side Bullards Park has some sandy areas that might hold perch. Park by the light house and fish the beaches in the...
  15. 4labs

    Lakes Hills Creek Reservoir Fishing Reports

    so are they launching in the mud or is there pavement ? and what size boats ? 12ft alum and drift boats or 20 ft north rivers went by CG and its super low but that's exactly what Troutski graph shows Thanks
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