
Coho Kid
I took my son to the Tillamook Basin where we ensued our pursuit of salmonids. Using bait on the bottom we were off to a good start with just one fish hooked with in about 15 minutes of being in the water. I passed the rod off to my son and he snapped it off by thumbing the spool.

The guys all around us were fishing bobbers with little success all morning because they failed to scale down their tackle for skittish fish. By this time they were getting quite jealous and mouthy. One guy made a comment that we were snagging fish. I replied why would I buy a $5 box of shrimp and thread on 15# test if I came to snag.

We did incidentally belly hook a couple of fish and promptly released them. Then my son hooks a monster in the mouth probably 25#. It comes flying out of the water and there's the hook right in the corner of it's mouth. I grab the net and follow him as he begins to chase it down stream. "Fish Comin' down" he yells, and no one gets out of his way. The same guy who was making the remarks about us snagging says "I'm sick of you guys snagging and I'm not being nice this time" then the jerk reaches out wraps his arm in my son's line and snaps his fish off.

I came unglued.

The bobber fisherman down in the Tillamook Basin need to be taught some manners. Never in my life have a met a such a stupid bunch of fisherman. Even the idiots tying Estacada flies on the Clackamas know better than to pull that kind of crap, and on an 18 year old kid no less.

Well I filed a report with the state police, but nothing will happen because I had nothing but a description of the man.
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Damn... it seems river fishing is getting WAY too aggressive these past years. I notice that crap up on both forks on the Santiam. Some people should pass an anger management class before even thinking about wetting a line. Considering that you probably lost 5$ to 10$ in gear that would be destruction of property or even menacing? IDK sorry about the trip man!
S.O.B and ******* are the words that come to my mind!

Sorry to hear about the way that you and your kid were treated. That's a bunch of BS, and I'm not talking about brown sugar!!!

Mod's if that needs editing...feel free. But, that's how I feel about that encounter!
S.O.B and B*****T are the words that come to my mind!

Sorry to hear about the way that you and your kid were treated. That's a bunch of BS, and I'm not talking about brown sugar!!! It's nothing short of assault!

Mod's if that needs editing...feel free. But, that's how I feel about that encounter!

Sorry about the double post.
envy and frustration will make jerks out of the gentlest souls... so sorry to read of your encounter with what sounds like a bunch of peabrains who were not men enough to admit their failure and incompetence... and instead, chose to accuse the more successful ones of "cheating". you can bet they would not be as civilized if the tables were turned.

so what happened? care to expound on "i came unglued"?
darn jerks!!!
jelous of the fish probably , sorry to hear what happened..
That is exactly why I prefer quiet streams and rivers with trout.........sorry for the jerks that ruin good peoples days
Yeah, I know the feeling and I experience this almost 50% of the time I go plunking somewhere. Two weeks ago this racist POS started mouthing off to us as we were leaving Diblee Point. He was saying we don't belong there and this is his spot and only for locals, he was saying this in a broken English accent like he was an Asian person. I was too tired and pretty appalled by this jack*** to retort. He didn't say anything all day but chose to speak when we were in our truck leaving.

This is why I don't really like plunking for salmon. I feel fishing is a universal hobby/means to feed family and there should be common mutual respect for one another regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity.
ur not alone on this issue thats just how that place is ... i tend to go up river from it to more peaceful places ... bobber fishermen think theyre better than the rest from what ive witnessd ... salmon season in tillamook brings the worst out in people .... go during the week less bobber fishermen and more plunkers ....sorry u had such a crappy time...
Coho Kid said:
I took my son to the Tillamook Basin where we ensued our pursuit of salmonids. Using bait on the bottom we were off to a good start with just one fish hooked with in about 15 minutes of being in the water. I passed the rod off to my son and he snapped it off by thumbing the spool.

The guys all around us were fishing bobbers with little success all morning because they failed to scale down their tackle for skittish fish. By this time they were getting quite jealous and mouthy. One guy made a comment that we were snagging fish. I replied why would I buy a $5 box of shrimp and thread on 15# test if I came to snag.

We did incidentally belly hook a couple of fish and promptly released them. Then my son hooks a monster in the mouth probably 25#. It comes flying out of the water and there's the hook right in the corner of it's mouth. I grab the net and follow him as he begins to chase it down stream. "Fish Comin' down" he yells, and no one gets out of his way. The same guy who was making the remarks about us snagging says "I'm sick of you guys snagging and I'm not being nice this time" then the jerk reaches out wraps his arm in my son's line and snaps his fish off.

I came unglued.

The bobber fisherman down in the Tillamook Basin need to be taught some manners. Never in my life have a met a such a stupid bunch of fisherman. Even the idiots tying Estacada flies on the Clackamas know better than to pull that kind of crap, and on an 18 year old kid no less.

Well I filed a report with the state police, but nothing will happen because I had nothing but a description of the man.

Were the bobber fishermen there before you arrived? Lot's of conflict between the bobber lobber's and drift fishermen! The 2 methods are not overly compatable in the same hole, makes for a difficult situation!

Nice job hooking the fish....I sure those bobber idiots were too stupid to hook one drift fishing....90% of the people I see on the river drift fishing do not even have a clue....almost everyone I see fishes wrong! :rolleyes:

Too bad the jerk broke the line, that is as bad as I have ever heard of! I would have waited them out and then gotten a license plate #!!! ;) I'll tell you what I do in that situation....bring a TRUCKLOAD of guys, maybe 2 truckloads!!! I'm not kidding!!! I'll invite a big old party of guys, get there at O'dark thirty and take over the hole! Let them suck on that! :D
sounds like you need to trow a couple bobber fishermen in the river
Wow that is not good to do to a child! FOR SURE! I can't even believe it.... I mean if they want to be nasty to you that is one thing but beating up a young'en no way that is not cool we need our kids out fishing and knowing what life is really about! I am sorry to hear your boy had to go through that....
well from the sound of it losing the fish doesn't really matter much, its obvious you have the skills to catch another one, but that kind of bull **** can lose a kid from fishing... and that would be a shame. I hate salmon season in Oregon, but some day the weatherwill turn cold and all the salmons will die and the world can become nice and polite again.
halibuthitman said:
...but some day the weatherwill turn cold and all the salmons will die and the world can become nice and polite again.

Only after that guy gets his ass beat. Oops, am I a mod?
Yes you are a mod

Yes you are a mod

GraphiteZen said:
Only after that guy gets his ass beat. Oops, am I a mod?

I think what would be worse then that, would be to take a pic of the dude'er! put it up here, then when ever we see the , bygod! snap his line and tell him remember that boy you bullied! yup this is his pay back!!!
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Wow that would not have ended as well for me. I'm sure I would have ended up in jail or worse depending of how big the guy was.
todd_brooks said:
Wow that would not have ended as well for me. I'm sure I would have ended up in jail or worse depending of how big the guy was.
Oh you know the Bigger the better! :) more of a challange that way! ")


Well I freaked out on the guy, yelled at him, called him some names I can't repeat here, and realized that if I walked the 10 paces forward one of us would end up in the hospital and one of us would end up in jail and I didn't want to be either one of those guys. I turned around and called the police.

What the guy did is called trespass to personal property, and several other things including assault for threatening bodily harm. If I am treated the same way again they will be arrested I guarantee because I'll wait and get the plate number.

The fisherman in Tillamook need to be taught some manners, I can't think of a better place than in Tillamook County Jail.

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